Class Trial #2 Part 2: Is Byakuya Guilty?

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"'s possible you could have found out, isn't it?" Makoto asked. "You'd have no problem gaining access to classified government documents or internal police records. Plus, you'd already looked through the Genocide Jack file before this all happened, hadn't you?"

"..." Byakuya said nothing.

"A-Are you saying...Mr. Togami did it?" Hifumi asked.

"Then the reason he pushed the theory of Genocide Jack being the killer so hard was because he wanted to pin the crime on her!" Celeste explained.

"So he rearranged the scene to disguise it and make it look like I'd put my stamp on it...! The adorable glasses man was behind it all!? Ahh, I'm on fire!" Jill blushed.

"...Well, Byakuya!? What's your response!?" Taka shouted.

"I see... So now the suspicion falls on me. Then I must ask...when would you say I began acting suspicious? Surely you must have an answer..." Byakuya spoke.

"Hmm, looking back and thinking about it now, the way you were acting right before we discovered the body was a little strange..." Makoto answered.


"And the locker rooms... They're suspicious. Very suspicious, indeed. Wouldn't you agree?"

"Huh? Suspicious...?"

"It seems nobody's searched the locker rooms. Let's start with the girls locker room..."

-End of Flashback-

"You wanted to go to the girls locker room right away, right? But since you're a guy..." Makoto spoke, but Byakuya interrupted.

"I should have naturally thought of the boys locker room first. Is that what you want to say? The victim was Chihiro. A girl. Hence why I said we should check the girls locker room."

"Nothing strange about that, I'd say!" Hifumi intervened.

"Keep out of this!" I said to Hifumi. "And by the way, there is something 'very' strange!"

"Okay then, what's so strange about it? Go ahead, share with the rest of the class," Byakuya ordered.

Nonstop Debate! Make Your Argument!-

Hina: So you said Byakuya was acting kinda weird before we found the body (absorb)... But he was acting

Hifumi: If you're presented with the opportunity to check out the girls locker room, you absolutely take it...! That's a natural reaction for any guy!

Byakuya: The victim was Chihiro, who was a girl.

Truth Bullet: before we found the body



"You want to know what's so strange about it? Then I'll tell you! Because before we actually discovered the body, we didn't know who the victim was! So your so-called claim doesn't hold up!" I explained.

"I see...That's a good answer, I must admit. Interesting. Very interesting, indeed! But your reasoning is still too weak!" Byakuya said.


"What's wrong? Is that it? Surely you've got more than that. Go ahead, show us..."

I narrowed my eyes. Typical rich boy attitude, acting like he doesn't care at all. I've got him cornered, but he's acting like it has nothing to do with him!

"What's the matter? You're not finished already, are you? There must be more to it..." Byakuya said.

"Of course there is! I think..." I said.

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