Chapter 35: Guarding Arrangements and a Compromise

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*Ding dong dong ding*

"A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, which you may use however you like, the class trial will begin!"


Deadly Life

"Huh...? Sakura's... Sakura's...dead? She's...really dead?" Hina muttered next to me. My eyes stared steadily forward. I could only look forward. I could only look on with tears in my eyes at Sakura's dead body.

"We didn't make it in time. It's happened again..." Kyoko muttered and began to gently inspect Sakura's body. Was she confirming that Sakura really was dead? Checking for a pulse, or a reaction? I wondered.

"... I have to go get them... I have to go get...the others..." Hina said and left the rec room with shaky legs. And with shaky legs, I walked to Makoto and Kyoko.

"Why...? Why...did this have to happen?" Makoto asked in anger. He repeated it over and over again.

"..." I continued to stare at Sakura.

"I need to examine Sakura's body..." Kyoko said.

Makoto and I just stood there motionless behind her, unable to do a thing while she checked Sakura's corpse. Time passed, and after I don't know how long...

"I got everyone..." Hina announced as she, Hiro, Jill, and Byakuya entered the room.

"Uwah! O-Ogre!?" Hiro gasped.

"Oh. So she's dead, huh?" Jill asked.

"Sakura's been killed? I see..." Byakuya smirked.

As soon as they arrived, Kyoko began...

"You heard the announcement just now, right? So you know what this means."

"Sakura was murdered. And by someone in this very room... Is that what you were going to say?" Byakuya questioned.

"...No. Whoever killed's not just "someone in this room." It was one of you... Hiro, Byakuya, Toko--one of you killed Sakura!" Hina accused with tears in her eyes.

"Wh-Wh--!?" Hiro gasped.

"You're accusing us before we've even begun the investigation?" Byakuya scowled.

"I don't need to investigate anything... Because you hated her. You hated the sight of her! One of you did it, I know it!" Hina argued.

"You...know it?" The voice of Monokuma made me jump as he appeared in the room. "Jeez, I didn't know your power level would increase by that much just by getting mad!"

"What are you doing here...?" Hina glared.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here to hand out my little murder flyer," Monokuma explained. "That's right! It's the next Monokuma File! And don't get so mad, Miss Asahina, or you're gonna ruin that lewd little face of yours! Now then! With that, I--"

"Hold on..." Makoto interrupted. "There's something I want to ask you..."


"It was you, wasn't it? You killed Sakura?" Makoto asked.

"Huh huh?"

"Sakura wanted to challenge the mastermind to a duel. Maybe you and her fought again, and then..."

"Then I killed her? Sorry, not quite! Actually, not even close. That whole thing is totally irrelevant now! Sakura came to a most regrettable end without even getting the chance to finish things with me... Which, thank God for that! It saved me the trouble of having to go through with our little fight. Cuz even for someone like me, it would've been no mean feat to take down a behemoth like that! I gotta tell ya, I was actually pretty worried! I mean, she'd violated a rule by attacking me in the first place, but I wasn't able to punish her! So I dunno who it was, but whoever the blackened is this time...I owe ya one!"

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