Chapter 43: Corpse in the Garden and the Data Room

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Jill was right. There was indeed a body in the garden. A mask covered their face, and there was a knife buried in their stomach, up to the hilt.

"Wh-What the...!?" Makoto stuttered.

"O-Oh my gosh!" I shouted.

Hina covered her mouth. "A-Are they really dead!?"

"For sure. But..." Hiro trailed off.

" it?" Bykakuya asked.

100 Mile Dash; Pain of a Junk Food Junkie

Deadly Life

"Kyeeehahaha! I told ya, there's a corpse hangin' out here!" Jill laughed.

"Are they really...dead? Is this really a dead body...?" Hina questioned.

"You need to begin looking around right away. However... Be ever so careful. There's no telling what you might find," Byakuya advised.

So we began to investigate the mysterious body. It was very hard to tell who the victim was with the mask covering their face like that. And the white coat they're wearing makes it impossible to tell anything about the body itself. The victim is a total mystery.

"Their heart isn't beating, they're not breathing, all signs of life have come to a complete stop... Thanks to the knife that's been driven into their stomach, their clothes are stained a bright red. It appears the bleeding has stopped, but the blood that's there is still wet. Be careful you don't touch it and get some on you..." Byakuya observed.

"How can you be so calm at a time like this? Who 'is' it!? Their face and body are all hidden, so I don't have a clue..." Hiro said.

"I'm pretty sure it's a girl at least..." Hina guessed.

"Huh? How can you tell?" Hiro asked.

"Well...I think I see the outline of her chest. And just the general shape of the body... Yeah, the more I look, the more I'm sure it's a girl," Hina pointed out.

Then... Could the victim be...

"Well... I suppose the only way to know for sure is to take off the mask," I said.

"Kyeeehahaha! Okay then! Let's just tear the mask clean off!" Jill said and ran right to the body.

"Wait, don't--!" Byakuya called out, it was already too late. Jill's hand shot out toward the mask. And in the next instant...


...there was a blinding light and a deafening roar. And Jill flew across the garden. The body...blew up. It blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up it blew up!

"AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed so loudly as my whole body shook.

"Hurry up, put out the fire," Byakuya shouted and passed a bucket of water to Makoto, who looked like he was on the verge of passing out. "Come on, dump the water on it."

"O-Okay!" Makoto complied, took aim, and tossed the water as hard as he could at the upper half of the body which was on fire.


Thankfully, that was enough to put out the fire. It died down, leaving behind only the unpleasant smell of burning.

"I-I guess that took care of it..." Makoto said.

"But what the hell, man?" Hiro yelled.

"It...exploded?" Hina stared in disbelief.

"Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!" I panicked.

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