Chapter 8

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Kara's POV

"Luthor, if I feel your foot under my seat one more time, it won't be pretty." Maggie says from the passenger seat.

"I'll only stop if you stop your horrendous singing, Sawyer." Lena responds sarcastically from beside me. We've been on the road for only about an hour now but we're supposed to be stopping at a gas station soon.

"God, I am in a car full of children." Alex groans from the driver seat.

"Hey! I've been good." I say offended. In the past I have been known to act slightly immature due to my impatience but I've been mostly quiet most of this drive so far.

"Let's play the quiet game until we get to the gas station." Alex says sighing. Maggie and Lena boo at her which I find amusing.

When we get to the gas station we all go inside and use the bathroom then look around for snacks while Alex fills up the car. "What should I get Alex to drink besides beer, of course?" Maggie asks.

"Dr.Pepper" I respond immediately.

I get a grape soda because it's the only dark soda that doesn't usually upset my stomach.

When we all get back to the car I say, "I'm driving!"

Alex and Maggie both yell, "No!" at the same time.

I open my mouth with my eye brows scrunched, "Lenaaaaa, tell them I'm driving!" I say irritated with a pout.

"Honey, I think it's safer if one of them drive." She says opening her door. I roll my eyes and crawl through on her side.

A few minutes later, I still hadn't talked to Lena so she started poking me.




That made me break out a smile I couldn't contain. I hear Lena unbuckle her seatbelt but I only heard because of my super-hearing. She gets in the middle, right beside me and buckles there. She grabs my jaw lightly turning me towards her. I smile. Damn you, Lena Luthor.

"What?" I ask almost out of breath because of what she's doing to me. She has no idea the effect her actions have on me.

"You're really pretty, Kara Zor-el."

My heart just fell for her I think.

"Mhm, you're just buttering me up now." I say smiling biting my lip. Naturally I go to touch my glasses because I always do that, it's a nervous habit but I didn't wear them since we're going to Midvale. I didn't really see a point.

"No. You are so beautiful." She says as her finger traces over my scar on my forehead. Her finger traces along down to my cheek and nose, then my lips. Her jaw tightens and she sighs looking ahead of her.

I get tired and don't really think much of it since I usually use whoever or whatever is next to me when I go to sleep. I put my seat belt behind me and lay my head over Lena's lap. She's still for a couple seconds then I feel her hands start to run through my hair.

This feels amazing.

The next time I wake up, I can feel Lena's arm holding my waist and the other still in my hair. "Good afternoon, sleepyhead," She mumbles as I blink a couple times at her. "We're here."

When she says this I immediately jump up and look out the window. Surely enough, we're pulling in the driveway to my mom's house. I look over at Lena, "Sorry for falling asleep on you." I say.

"Kara, you're the only person I would let sleep on my lap." She says smiling as we get out to get our bags.

When we get to the door, Eliza is already waiting with the door open. When she sees us her face lights up and she hugs each of us. "Come on, my girls!" She says pushing us all in her doorway.

"Maggie, Lena, the girls's room still has their twin size beds in there so I hope you don't mind sharing it with them." She says with a laugh.

I didn't really think this through. Lena and I have shared a bed before but my bed here barely even fits me so Lena and I are basically going to be on top of each other.

"Maggie definitely won't mind, I wake up with her on top of me every morning anyways." Alex says rolling her eyes.

Maggie slaps Alex's arm, "Babe, don't act like you don't like it."

Lena doesn't really say anything and I can't even tell how she feels because her eyes are looking around at the house. "Kara, why don't you show Lena around? Same to you Alex."

I nod and Alex takes Maggie outside so I decide to take Lena to the bedroom first. "So this is the room the Danver sisters grew up in?" She says when I open the door.

I laugh thinking about all the memories that happened in this room, "Yep, we used to fight all the time about who gets the bathroom in the morning...of course I won because all I had to do was use my super speed, she'd get so mad at me."

Lena sets her stuff down as she walks around the room, "Do you think you'd ever want to move back? To Midvale?" She asks.

That's honestly a question I never really thought about. "I'm Supergirl, I don't know If I could leave National City. They count on me to protect them." I say sitting down on my bed.

Lena walks over and sits beside me, making me look into her eyes. "Kara, the city made it before you embraced yourself as Supergirl, they'll make it without. Besides, you have flying powers and super speed, you'd be over there in no time."

I smile, "Yeah, you're right but I don't know...that'd be a huge change."

Lena shifts her body towards me and says, "Well what made you move from Midvale to National City in the first place?"

"I-I just wanted to fit in and be normal to be honest. I mean I had to hide my powers most of my life so I wanted to be like everyone else. That was until Alex's flight started going down. But what else was I supposed to do? That was my sister!" I say getting upset but I don't know why.

"Hey, it's okay Kara." Lena says wrapping her arms around me. "What's got you worked up?"

I pull back and mumble "I don't know." I say.

"Tell me about Krypton."

That's how I spent the next 30 minutes. Telling Lena about my childhood on Krypton and in Midvale.

When we got downstairs, everyone was in the living room. Alex and Maggie were sharing a recliner so we sat on the couch with Eliza. "You have a beautiful home, Ms. Danvers." Lena says.

"Call me Eliza." She says. "Same to you, Maggie."

I know Lena and I aren't together but I kind of like the way Eliza is saying Lena's name in sentences along with Maggie's. It's as if Lena is my girlfriend....

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