Chapter 28

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Kara's POV

I don't know why Lena acted so distant towards me earlier. I don't even know what made her in such a bad mood but I'll try to get it out of her tonight.

As I'm researching for a project, William comes up to me. "Hello Kara" He says in his British accent.

"Hi William." I say glancing up but quickly glancing back to my computer. I really want to get this done so I can go home.

Besides Winn and James, William is a friend I've made in the last couple of days. I know what it's like when being new at work so I tried to make him feel as welcome as possible.

"Do you need help with anything?" He asks leaning against my desk.

"No, I think I can manage but thank you." I say giving a genuine smile. Before I know what's coming out of my mouth, I blurt out, "My friends and I have game nights on Friday's, you should come."

William doesn't talk much about his personal life so I'm beginning to think I'm the only person he knows here. If he meets Winn and James, I'm sure they'll click immediately. That's a perfect plan!

"Just send me the address and I'll be over Friday." He says smiling, walking away.

When he turns around, I immediately get back to work until I realize it's already time to leave. I drive back home and unlock the door to get in. "Lena?" I yell throughout the apartment. I get no answer so I know that she's still at work. I text Lena telling her that I'll order us dinner. I make an order and then change out of my work attire clothes. I'm now in pajama pants and a t-shirt. I take my make-up off and wash my face.

When I hear the knocks on the door, I know it's the delivery person because Lena has a key. I tip the server and shut the door saying thank you.

I remember that Lena was in a bad mood today so I light some candles on the coffee table and put Lena's favorite movie on.

I can hear Lena's heartbeat so I walk to the door but decide not to swing it open, considering how many scares I've caused to multiple people. She opens the door and our eyes immediately meet. "Hey." I get out as she hangs her coat and takes off her shoes.

She smiles at me looking me up and down but doesn't say anything. I physically can't take this right now. I need to know what is bothering her. "Lena, what's wrong?" I blurt out.

Lena looks taken back, "How did you know?" She asks walking to the living room and sitting down. She sees the candles and the movie and a small smile curves on her lips.

"Lena, I've known you for years. I know when you're upset." I say following her and sitting down with her.

Lena looks away from me almost ashamed or embarrassed. "Hey, you can tell me anything. I'll never judge you, you know this." I say encouraging her.

Lena looks down, "I'm scared if I tell you, you won't love me anymore." She says quietly.

I cant believe she would ever think this. "Lena, I will always love you. Always. Nothing will ever change that."

She takes a deep breath, "I guess I'm just jealous."

Whatever I thought was wrong, this was far from it. "Of what? Who?"


"William and I are just friends, I can assure you of that." I immediately say taking her hand in my own.

"I know. It's not you I'm worried about, it's him. I'm not usually the jealous type and I know you find it unattractive so I feel pathetic that I even feel this way—"

Before she could go farther I cut her off, "No Lena." I say taking her face in my hands. "You're not pathetic. And never apologize for your feelings. How you're feeling is valid. I'm so sorry that you feel like this but we're just friends. He knows this."

Lena nods but she doesn't seem fully convinced. "You're the one I want to marry. Not him, not anyone else." I say searching her eyes.

Lena's mouth opens slightly as she stares at me. "You want to marry me?"

"Of course I want to marry you. Somewhere in the future when things are more stable and balanced in our lives but Lena I love you. More than I've ever loved anyone in my entire life." I say trying to word all of this correctly. "I feel like I've always been in love with you. Ever since we met, I may not have known it but I feel like the love I have for you was always there, from the very beginning."

Lena leans into hug me and I lay down on the couch, taking her with me so she's on my chest. "Thank you for the reassurance Kara and I'm sorry for being jealous." Lena says kissing my cheek.

"Give me a real kiss. You didn't even kiss me goodbye earlier." I say thinking back to lunch. That honestly really bothered me because sometimes I get insecure about how much I always want to be all over Lena. When she didn't kiss me goodbye and turned her head when I leaned in, I felt rejected and I never want to feel like that again.

She leans in to give me a kiss. I linger my hand on her throat kissing her deeply. My hands roam her body and I continue to just kiss her. I hold back the moan that wants to escape as Lena's hips roll into me. Panting, I disconnect our lips, "The food is here."

"Even when your girlfriend is trying to have a hot makeout session with you, all you can think about is food." Lena grumbles standing up and walking to the kitchen.

I gasp, dumbfounded. "Babe, I'm really hungry." I say pouting. "Don't think I don't want you though...I think about being...i-intimate with you more than I should."

As Lena starts getting our food out of the bag, her breath hitches and she looks right at me. "Does Kara Danvers get all hot and bothered thinking about me at work?" She asks smirking.

I groan, throwing my head, "Yes! This conversation is over, let's just eat." I say getting my potstickers and walking back to the living room.

"No no no, let's see." Lena says thinking while bringing her food and sitting beside me. "Do you have fantasies of me coming in and secretly fucking you on your desk in your office? Does the fact that someone could walk in turn you on? Is that it? Am I close?" She smirks.

Fuck, she's so hot. All I want to do is food of course.

Can she stop raising that eyebrow? It's so sexy and I can't concentrate. As I'm about to shove a potsticker in my mouth, she grabs my wrist stopping me. "Don't avoid the question with food, Kara." She says. I hate that's she's really enjoying making me flustered right now.

"Y-Yes! You guessed right now can we please eat?" I say as I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Okay fine sweetheart." Lena says raising her hands up in defense. But I know Lena, I don't know what she has planned but I'm in for a wild ride.

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