Chapter 1

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Katherine's POV

As I sat on the couch in my sister and I's apartment that was halfway up a building, I started squealing over the fanart I was scrolling through on my computer. "The fan art gets better and better everyday!"

My sister, Rosaline, came into the living room from the dining area that was essentially connected. She sat on the love seat and sighed. "Kat, you seriously need to get a life. They don't exist and you know it."

"I'm 15, Rosy. I know what's real and what's not." I rolled my eyes and kept downloading more fan art of the awesomest ninja turtles ever.

She shook her head while switching on the TV to the news. "Yea, and I'm 17. Nice to meet you, 15."

"Shut up." I closed my laptop before standing up and stretching. "I'm eating some dinner and then going to take a walk."

She turned her head over to me. "Don't tell me you're going Foot Clan hunting again."

"How'd you know?!" I asked as I came out of the kitchen holding two slices of pizza in each hand.

Rosie rolled her eyes and turned to face the TV again. "Just because their in the TMNT shows, doesn't mean that the mutant turtles are real too!"

"Well their not in any other movie or show, now are they?!" I shot back. "I just wanna see if I can find some activity and catch the turtles."

As I opened the door and walked out, my sister yelled out to me. "They're not real! And don't forget your phone!"

"I have it!" I hollered as I walked over to the elevator and pressed a button. The door opened, and I stepped in, clicking the first floor.

I waited patiently and once it opened, I ran out of the apartment buildings, and onto the streets of New York.

I waited until I was on a pretty empty street, and then started talking to myself. "Such a nice night for some foot clan activity."

I pulled out my I-phone and pulled up a foot system. I hacked into their web and started scrolling through a map of New York to see if there was any activity going on nearby.

I saw a red dot blinking two blocks away, and I started running to my destination. As I was about to turn a corner, something grabbed me by my hood and yanked me into an ally.

I was spun around and I saw some foot. "Where're you running off to at this time of the night?"

"Oh just home actually!" I lied at tried to remain calm. "Now, I really should get going-"

"You're not going anywhere. Our boss doesn't need us to do anything right now, so I think we've got time to have fun."

I was grabbed by both of my arms and I was trying to squirm out of their grasp.

"We've got a feisty one." One of the foot people chuckled.

Suddenly, the grasp that was on me loosened, and I was freed.

"You're not harming this girl." A deep and raspy voice growled.

I turned around and saw four shadowy figures attacking the foot and I pulled out my phone to take a picture, but when I looked up, they were gone.

I suddenly heard a voice above me. "We just kicked some Foot Clan butt and didn't even get caught by that girl!"

"Quiet it down, shell for brains! She'll hear us!"

There's only one thing that says shell for brains. A teenage mutant ninja turtle.

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now