Chapter 24

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Rosaline's POV

I ran back into the sewers and straight into the living room of the mutants lair.

"Katherine......I found her!" I screamed out, collapsing to the floor completely out of breath.

Two sets of human hands grabbed each of my arms and helped me up to get to the couch.

I looked up to see who they belonged to, and it was April and this guy who I think his name to be Vernon.

"Are you okay? You look exhausted! What happened?" April asked all at once, her tone full of worry.

The mutants soon surrounded me as well. "Where were you?!" The leader of them asked with a scold.

"I went to go f-find Kat, okay? And uh.... when I found out where she was, s-she threatened me and told me not to come for her.....she's working for the Shredder!" I finally blurted out.

The nerdy turtle nearly fell to the floor after a I spoke. "She.....betrayed us? Right after letting you two move in, and spending time together?! I guess I should've seen this coming....I mean, we did just meet and all....."

Raphael firmly grabbed my shoulders and knelt in front of me. "You're an idiot for going out all alone! Brave, but a complete and utter idiot!"

"I don't care! I can't believe what she told me, though!" I felt tears rush down my face as I talked.

Mikey whimpered. "W-what did the dudette say?"

I wiped at my eyes while sighing. "She said that if I came back with you guys, she's kill us all...."

"That doesn't seem like little ol' Katherine." Vernon stated while rubbing his chin. "When we interviewed her, she didn't seem so..... bad."

"Well now she is, so we've got no choice but to capture her like any other villainous being." Leonardo stated cold-heartedly.

I stood up and stared daggers at him. "Excuse me? That's my little sister you're talking smack about! I swear if you lay one of your sausage fingers on her, I'll-"

"Okay! How's about we calm down, Rose?" Raph put his arm around my shoulders and tried cheering me up. "Leo didn't mean it in such a bad way. Right, Leo?!"

Leonardo looked up from his fingers and at me. "Do I really have sausage fingers?"

"Yes." I answered straightforwardly.

Raphael looked over at me with an annoyed frown while removing his arm. "Can you two get along?! You're acting like a children!"

"Yea, well guess what?! We are children! We're a bunch of immature teenagers you doofus!" I hissed. "And I will murder anyone in a heartbeat if they do anything to my sister! You got that?!"

"We understand, miss Rose." Donatello sighed.

April rubbed at her head. "Well....this day just got ten times worse."

"Not my fault." I stated while continuing to stare daggers at the blue-clad turtle.

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now