Chapter 32

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Raphael's POV

I laid back on my bed and released a tiresome sigh. A few minutes went by and I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in, Leo." I said, knowing it was him because Mikey would bang on the door, Don would tap on it, and Rose just seems like she'd just come right on in. But she's still bedridden so it's obviously Leo.

He entered with a serious face. "Raphael, we need to talk."

"What did I get blamed for now? Whatever it is, Mike did it."

"No, you didn't do anything wrong. I just wanted to talk about Rose." He walked closer and stood in front of me.

I looked off to the side and tried not to make eye contact. "What about her?"

"What do you think of her?" He finally asked after a short awkward silence.

I looked at him with an agitated expression. "What do ya mean, 'what do I think of her'? She's a female human like April, that's what I think of her."

Leonardo smacked his head. "Raph, no. I meant, how do you feel about her? Do you like her?"

It finally clicked. My leader thinks I'm crushing on Rosaline.

"I feel like she doesn't think before she acts. She needs to be more aware of everything going on. Plus, that girl is nothing but a steaming pot ready to boil over at any point."

Suddenly Leo began to laugh hysterically. After he wiped a tear away that was forming in one of his eyes, he looked at me with a huge grin. "You just explained yourself, Raphael."

I stood up and formed my hands into fists. "I don't know what kinda strings you're pulling, but I ain't got no feelings for Rose. You got that?!"

He began to leave while laughing some more. "I've got everything I need."

Leonardo's POV

I looked down into my hand, and at the voice recorder to hit the stop button. As I entered Rosaline's room, a pencil was thrown at me.

"You went to Raphael, didn't you?! I told you not to do anything, dimwit!" She glared at me and tried to throw something else, but I grabbed her hand and sat down on the chair neighboring her bed.

When she had calmed a bit, I released her hand and spoke. "Hey, I didn't say you liked him or anything. I just got some information."

I held up the recording device and smirked. "Little does my hothead brother know, that he admitted to liking you without even knowing it."

"How'd you get him to admit?" Rosie asked as if she were an excited little kid.

I chuckled. "He used a double negative, and after Donatello pointed out his last one, Raphael would've fixed it. Yet he used it again hoping I wouldn't realize, but I did."

"Amazing. You know a lot about your brothers." She said in awe.

I shrugged. "Well, when you live with them for 17 years, it's hard not to know a lot."

"I suppose, but I've been living with Kat for 15 years and it's like she conceals herself away." I saw Rose began to frown.

I sighed. "She does seem a bit.....odd, but isn't that a typical 15 year old?"

"Yea, I guess your right." She gave me a grin, and then we continued talking about Raph and his inability to hide feelings.

Katherine's POV

When we arrived at the gate, both Bebop and Rocksteady looked at me with pleading eyes.

"Could you tell Boss that we kicked some butt to save you?" Bebop begged.

Rocksteady agreed. "He wouldn't like to hear that we only bumped into you on the rooftops. He'll send us back to prison, and we're sick of being treated like animals."

I hummed while beginning to skip ahead of them. "Perhaps I'll do that."

I entered the building and headed straight for the dojo, seeing Saki vigorously hitting a punching bag.

Once he noticed me, I saw him grab a towel and dry his face from the mass amount of sweat it had.

"Miss Stockman, you are back! Those two managed to save you?" He asked while gesturing to the mutants behind me.

I nodded and began to act the best I've ever acted before. "Yes, they were magnificent! I was kidnapped by these really muscular dudes who were going to use me for things I dare not say, and then Bebop and Rocksteady saved me! I was baffled at how amazing they fought!"

He looked past me and gave them a smile. "Well done. Karai will take you both to feast and celebrate."

They left with the ninja, and I saw Saki staring at me.

"Hey Saki?" I looked at him in the eyes.

He shook his head as if to clear his mind. "Yes?"

"Could you do me a super duper favor?" I batted my eyes in hopes he wouldn't pounce on me at what I was about to request.

He placed down the towel. "What is it?"

I took a deep breath, and finally asked.

"What if I asked for you to not be evil anymore, and join the good side?"

As soon as I said it, I felt sick to my stomach. This wasn't going to end well, I just know it. I practically asked the Shredder to be good, and not bad.

Someone save me from what is about to happen next.

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now