Chapter 12

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Katherine's POV

As I walked behind Raphael, and next to my sister, we were already within the sewers and almost to our new home.

"Katherine?" My sister called for my attention, sounding a bit frustrated.

I looked over at her with concern. "Yes, Rosie?"

"It stinks down here. Like, really badly stinks. How are you not affected by the stench?!" She plugged her nose for a moment to exaggerate her statement.

I nervously laughed. "You see, I may or may not have snuck down here a couple of times searching for those ninjas...."

As my sister was about to scold me, Raph butted into our conversation. "Katherine, is it? You seem to be very obsessed with me and my brothers. It's kinda freaky."

"Hahaha.....then I guess you shouldn't see my computer...." I giggled. "I might have just a tad amount of fanart of you guys...."

Raphael chuckled lightly. "You're freaky, but I guess cool in a way. And as for that sister of yours," he said much louder to catch Rosie's attention. "Anything you wanna say about us?"

I saw my sister roll her eyes at the turtle, before mumbling to herself. "Well, you are cute."

"Heard that." Raph chuckled while turning his head to the side to reveal a sly smirk plastered on his face.

Oh man. I soooo ship my sister and him right now.

And as if on cue, Rosie punched me in the arm. "Kat! I know what you're thinking, now stop it!"

"Oh Rose, I think it's a possibility." I giggled evilly to myself because I now have a real life OTP.

Before we could continue talking about my lovely thoughts, we arrived at the lair or in other words, the turtle's home.

"Okay, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be." my sister crossed her arms while giving a slight nod at the place. "But it still needs some febreeze."

Raph put down our suitcases and grunted. "Stop complaining, and meet everyone else."

I glanced over to one side of the room, seeing a hallway that must've led to the turtle's rooms. As I was scratching my head, trying to figure out how I had missed the long hallway, I saw all of the residents of the lair except Splinter, emerging into the living room.

I looked over to my sister while adjusting my glasses, and smirked at her shocked expression.

Rosaline's POV

I covered my mouth in shock. Don't judge me, I know I met the red-clad turtle, but seeing three more kinda adds to this unexpected surprise.

"Hello, I'm Donatello, and I presume you miss, must be Katherine's older sister? Might I ask your age?" The purple-clad, skinny, nerdy looking turtle introduced himself, and asked a question all at once.

I crossed my arms again so they didn't just dangle uncomfortably. "Seventeen, and uh...what about you mutants? Also, my name's Rosaline."

"We're the same age...seventeen. And, I'm Leonardo, the leader of my team." The blue-masked turtle responded.

I heard a gasp from my sister, glancing at her, she seemed to have been staring straight back at me as if she had just discovered the way of the universe. "It all makes sense now! They were fifteen in the movie from two years ago. And two years later, would obviously make them seventeen! Wow, I feel stupid."

"That's because you are, you weird bubba diddle." I rolled my eyes playfully while smirking at her.

Kat placed her hands over her heart, pretending she was hurt. "How dare you call me that, you clump nugget!"

"Oh you did not just call me a clump nugget! You're such a half-pint jellybean!" I retorted while laughing slightly, completely forgetting about the mutants surrounding us, until the Orange clad one spoke up.

"What are the dudettes saying to each other?! Also, sister of Kit-Kat, I am the great Michelangelo!" He laughed out loud.

I looked over and was about to say something, until the nerd turtle said something first. "It must be some type of inside joke for them. Unless it is a human activity done to relieve stress, or some other personal emotion-"

"Actually, Donatello," my sister interrupted with her pointer finger facing upward. "It's just something my sister and I have done for fun."

I saw the one named Leonardo sigh before picking up mine and my sister's bags, and beginning to walk down a hallway that must've led to everyone's rooms. "Girls, just come with me and I will show you to your new rooms."

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now