Chapter 5

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Donatello's POV

We ran stealth-fully from one rooftop to the next in search of any foot clan activity. I looked down at my phone, and spoke up. "Guys, we need to go to 5th Avenue. The foot are holding a hostage on one of the roofs nearby."

"Well that's just great." Leonardo replied sarcastically with a light chuckle.

Raphael groaned in frustration. "Do we really have to save every single human?"

I glanced over at him as we ran. "Of course, Raph. By my calculations, we are fully capable of saving every New Yorker, and-"

"Alright, alright, you dweeb. I get it, we save the hostage they're holding." He sighed in defeat.

We arrived at 5th Avenue, and searched for the foot. Each of us ran to them once finding their location, and saw the hostage was female, even though her head was covered with a fabric bag. Her hands were tied behind her back, and she was laying on the surface of the roof, most likely unconscious.

"Finally, you turtles came. I was just about to execute young Katherine..." the girl, I believe to be named Karai, pointed a gun at the body.

Mikey stared confusingly at her. "How do you know the person?!"

"She could be of use to me, but I'm unsure as to how Shredder could be affiliated with this stranger." Karai snapped harshly. "You got him, our leader, locked up in prison. He'd love to hear that I've found this....Katherine."

"There's no need for that," Leonardo stated straightforwardly. "We'll be taking her off your hands for you."

He made a hand signal, and we all took our fighting stance. I gripped my bo-staff whilst awaiting for my leading brother to give an order.

"Alright team, you know the drill." Leo said calmly.

Raphael chuckled. "Mikey, go ahead and say it."

"Really?!" Michelangelo asked in disbelief before grinning and running towards the foot and doing a front flip over the unconscious body. "Cowabunga dudes!"

I extended my staff, causing it to push Karai and make her stumble backwards. I quickly grabbed the girl and looked towards Leonardo for a command.

"I hate to say this, but we've got no choice. Take her somewhere and check her for any injuries. We'll deal with everything else later." He grunted while fighting against the foot clan with ease.

I nodded my head and quietly ran off, going to a random rooftop and stopping to examine the person who was in my arms.

I took the bag off of her head, and saw this 'Katherine' person, was the girl we saved last night. I put on my scanner over my glasses, and saw there were no major injuries detected.

As I sat on the roof, next to where the girl lay, I began to think out loud. "Her name's Katherine? I'm curious to know what the Shredder could even want with her..."

"Yo, Don! Did ya get any information on the woooaaaahh she's even cuter than O'Neil!" Mikey fawned over the girl as he walked up along with my other two brothers.

I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Don't you remember? This is the girl we saved last night! Her name's Katherine-"

"Yea, whatever Donnie." Raph groaned while tossing her phone at me. "Let's just get her home so we can do the same."

I held up my hand in objection, while putting the phone in one of her pockets. "Do you think it's really safe? Karai mentioned something about Katherine being of use to them. That doesn't sound good, and by my calculations, she'll have a 99.9999999999 percent chance of being kidnapped not long after getting home."

"So what do you think we should do then, Donatello?" Leo questioned while crossing his arms.

I fixated my glasses before answering. "I suggest we keep an eye on her. She has a sister as well, so we need to watch them carefully. I also believe it to be required for two of us to be assigned to each girl."

"Fine," Leonardo agreed. "You and Mikey take Katherine, while Raph and I will watch her sister until we know the Foot won't be after them anymore. But remember, we're ninjas...the shadows are our friend."

Michelangelo gave a puzzled look. "But what do we do during the day?"

"Good question. What should we do during the day, oh wise Donatello?!" Raphael snapped.

I sighed and picked up the girl. "I already know how to deal with the day. Let me drop of Katherine, and then I'll let you all know."

"Well you better hurry up, its almost daylight and Splinter won't be pleased with us being on the surface during the day." Leonardo warned.

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now