Chapter 26

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Rosaline's POV

"Do you really think that's what Kat is doing?" I asked while staring into Raphael's piercing green eyes.

He nodded whilst his face turning a slight shade of red. "I'm positive your sister is doing this for all of our own safety."

"She's such a gosh darn idiot!" I exclaimed in frustration, but smiled for only a second. "She's really brave, but such an idiot!"

Michelangelo started laughing. "You sounded just like how Raph was talking to you last night!"

"Mikey is right. By my mathematical calculations, there's an 87.65% chance you two are soul mates." Donatello inquired while adjusting his glasses.

I crossed my arms at the same time Raph did, (not on purpose, might I say!) and we both chewed out Donnie using the same exact words.

"Do you really think I could be with him/her?! You better check your calculations again!"

He looked down at his turtle-shell looking phone and back up in a matter of seconds. "You're right, I did miscalculate. There's a 97.36% chance you two are soulmates."

I went to go punch him square in the face, but Leonardo grabbed my wrist, causing me to look at him with a really frustrated Po face. (*cough cough* look at photo above so that you may laugh) "Yes, um hello there blue-masked turtle. That is my wrist you have there and I would really like it back so I can murder your purple-masked brother." I said very calmly, but it was more of that kind of really really angry calm tone.

He looked at me with a slightly pink face, but immediately shook his head in objection. "I will not allow you to lay one of your prickly witch fingers on my brother."

My face went from Kung Fu Panda Po angry, to full on Cruella De'vil angry. (Above for laughter)

"Get you're bratwurst fingers off of me so I can prick you with my witch fingers you dull-minded reptile!"

I yanked my wrist out of his grasp and stared daggers at him.

He looked as if he regretted what he had said before, but just kept on going. "I dare you to lay one of your fingers on me, you pathetic, trashy phsycopath. You're such a burden, and it's apparent we only needed to protect your sister. You are worthless to us."

I nearly choked on what was just told to me. Just like my sister, I've had really low self esteem issues, and my anger seemed to be the only way to keep me from getting emotional and depressing.

But this wasn't something I could just brush off with anger, no no no. This just got personal, and hit me hard where I hid my emotions, finally breaking the lock that concealed it all.

I broke down into tears and ran to the room they had given to me, slamming the door shut and sliding down to the floor while still leaning against it. Memories from long ago began to flood through my mind which make my cries become louder as my head began to hurt.

"Why don't you hang out with us anymore, Rosie? We only see you in school now and never hang out at our usual spot like we used to." One of my female friends asked in disappointment.

A guy friend also agreed. "Exactly, you never chill with us no more. What's up with you?"

"I don't have time to hang out after school anymore." I rubbed the back of my neck with a sigh. "I have to work almost everyday now."

Another one of my friends sighed. "Girl, that's all you do now! Don't you remember that we're 15? Us teens gotta have fun!"

I shook my head in disagreement. "I need to look after my little sister, you guys. Maybe we can hang out in a few weeks or so?"

"No, girl." One of the guys said. "We're done waiting around on you. And if you won't be around to pay for all of us at the Arcade, then we're done. And the truth is, we were using you the whole time, and now it's time to throw you out like the trash you are."

"Yeah, you've been nothing but an ugly, freaky, psycho, and a pain to us all. Glad you're finally gone, but sad we can't use your money anymore." One of them faked a frown.

I continued to cry after the flowing memory came back. I didn't want to remember when my self esteem was broken, but had to keep it together for my sister. That memory both tore me apart, but gave me just another reason to stick up for Katherine because I didn't want her to ever feel the same way I did. I couldn't help her about everyone hating her intelligence, but I did keep her from other dangers.

It's such a shame that this Leonardo guy had to break me down again. Especially at the time where we were supposed to help my sis, but now I feel worthless.

I stood up and grabbed the bottle of pills I had brought before opening it and pouring a bunch straight into my mouth and swallowing them instantly.

Moments later, I could've sworn I heard knocks at my door, but the medicine had already kicked in and I fell to the floor, my extra pills spilling all over the place.

Before I closed my eyes I saw my door get swung open allowing a figure to run in my direction, falling to their knees beside me and placing my head in their lap.

I could've sworn it was Leonardo, but why would it be him? He thinks I'm worthless........

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now