Chapter 33

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Katherine's POV

He stared at me for a moment, and began to chuckle. "That is a joke, yes?"

I took this chance and laughed alongside him. "Yea, yea! It was a joke!"

"You know how to make me laugh, Katherine."

I sighed. "That's good."

"Now, I believe you may be hungry? Why don't we join my two comrades?" Saki offered, and as if on cue, my stomach rumbled.

"That would be nice."

We began to walk side by side to the dining area, and saw the two mutants digging into the large amounts of food that was laid out.

When they saw us, however, they stopped.

"Afternoon, Boss." Rocksteady announced.

Bebop took a bite of an apple. "This food is great!"

I released a slight giggle as I sat down and reached for a chicken leg. "It's looks great too!"

"We haven't spoken much business, Katherine." The Shredder sighed. "Have you found any information that could lead us to the turtles and Hamato Yoshi?"

I continued to eat so my nervousness would be well-hidden as I lied. "Of course! I've seen them patrol the northwestern part of New York mostly, so that could mean they live around there."

"Splendid work! Tonight, I'm going to send Bebop and Rocksteady with you for assistance." Saki explained. "They need to know you more, if we're all going to be ruling together one day."

I nodded, not wanting to argue with him. "Alright. Would you mind if I went and changed into a clean outfit?"

"Go right ahead. No one will bother you until it is time to head out." He stated while gesturing to the hog and rhino. "One of these two will retrieve you."

I made sure he knew that I understood, and I left for my room, shutting the door behind me. I quickly got changed and threw my body onto the bed, and began thinking of how I'd get away from those mutants so I could go back to the lair and tell everyone my plan of action.

Plan A, which was to turn Oroku Saki good, had ultimately failed. It was now time to move forward with Plan B, but sadly Saki had to get two things in my way.

...But maybe I could use them with my plan B.

I suddenly heard a knocking at my door, which took me out of my train of thought. I stood up and grabbed my Guandao while opening the door to follow Bebop and Rocksteady.

When we were alone on a faraway rooftop, Rocksteady broke the awkward silence we all were grasping.

"What made the boss hire you?"

I sighed in defeat as I lifted him up using my telekinesis, and then placed him back down. "That's dad pretty much ran off two years ago and must've told him about me."

"No other reason?" Bebop asked as if there were more. "Your dad sucks."

I laughed a bit. "You could say that again. Mind if I ask you two a question?"



I stopped walking, and they did the same.

"If you had a chance to be the good guy, would you take it?"

They both looked at each other with wide eyes, and then back at me whilst speaking in unison.


My eyes began to widen as well. "Are you joking?"

"Don't tell Master Shredder!" Bebop began. "We never really liked him that much, and would give anything to get out of this mess."

I turned away from them and smiled. "What if I told you we could all get away from him with a simple plan?"

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now