Chapter 8

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"So, let's start off with the simple things. Where were you born?" April asked curiously.

Katherine waved her hand around in a circular motion. "Here in New York, at least, that's what I've been told."

"Okay...Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?"

Kat sighed before fiddling with her thumbs. "Well...I graduated high school early, because I was a kid genius. I love pizza, cats, and going out at night. My hobbies include creating tech devices, dancing, and fangirling over the teenage mutant ninja turtles. I don't have any friends. and that's because I just didn't fit into the standards of anyone's social group."

"Harsh life." Vern stated straightforwardly, receiving a punch on the arm from April.

The news reporter gave the teen another smile before asking another question. "What about your personality?"

"I'm like a perfectionist...I'm creative, active....I prefer to put others lives before my own...Um, I don't easily give up on things, even if I were to be on my own death bed.....uhhh, that's about it." Katherine responded matter-of-factly.

Vernon furrowed his brows, being quick to ask a question. "Where are your parents, kid?"

The two noticed her eyes become wide-eyed and teary. "I don't know....My sister does, but she won't even tell me. All I know is that when I was 13 and my sister was 15, they disappeared."

"One last question before we leave for a bit. Could you just tell us a bit about your sister, and the bond between you two?" April announced her last question.

The teenager chuckled a bit before answering. "Rosie? She's a hothead, I'll tell you that. She's super protective of me, even if it's not always shown. Rose likes to just lounge around the house whenever she isn't working at a pizza place, and just watches TV, or sleeps. There's not much more to her, except sometimes she can easily get angry, or frustrated. Our relationship is good, we're pretty open to each other. I guess you could say we're like any other sister in New York."

April O'Neil's POV

"So, that's all I got out of her." I stated as I shut the video off, and let Vern unhook the camera from Donnie's multiple-screened computer.

Mikey was the first to comment. "She. Likes. Pizza! Let's keep her and make her our friend!"

"That's not important at the moment, Mikey...." Donnie grumbled, but then began rubbing his chin inquisitively. "Perhaps it has something to do with her parents that the Shredder wants her? She did mention not knowing about their disappearance."

"Her sister is a good soulmate for Raph...." Mikey mumbled to himself with a sly grin.

Raph made a fist and growled at him. "Don't make me modify your face. I don't need nobody as my soul mate."

"That's a double negative, so technically you just said-"

"Shut. Up. Donnie." Raph grumbled. "I don't need your little technicalities!"

"Can we please just stay on topic, here?" Leo rubbed his eyes in aggravation. "I agree with Donatello, it might have something to do with her parents....but what I don't get, is why they want Katherine and not her sister."

Vern spoke up. "Maybe they don't know she has an older sister?"

"That's ridiculous," Donnie shook his head in disagreement. "They would at least know about her older sister..... this is all too confusing and there's no logical explanation unless we're missing a big puzzle piece to it..."

I noticed Master Splinter walk over to where we all were surrounded, and smiled. "Good to see you, April. Now my sons, what is all of the commotion about?"

"Do we tell him?" Mikey whispered quite obviously.

Raph smacked him upside the head. "Well now we have to, shell for brains!"

"Uhh see, there's this girl on the surface that might be in danger....." Leonardo nervously informed.

Donatello continued. "And we have no solid information as to what specifically she's in trouble for....."

"So we are trying to figure it out...." Michelangelo chimed in.

Raphael finished it off. "And it may or may not have something to do with the Shredder......"

Master Splinter sighed in exhaustion before waving his hand around. "Go get the girl, bring her here. I must speak with her."

"But she doesn't know we-"

"I said find the girl! Bring her to me!" He demanded.

I raised my hand up a bit. "I can go get her. Its still daylight, and we can't risk the guys getting caught."

"Thank you, April. And be safe." Splinter gave me a nod, and the was the cue for Vern and I to take our leave.

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now