Chapter 29

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Leonardo's POV

I lifted my head from Rosie's bed and saw she was still sleeping. I got up and slowly made my way to the kitchen and soon realized that it was too quiet.

When I went to open the fridge, I noticed a note was taped onto it.

Raph, Mikey, and I went out to get supplies. We'll be back later.

I nodded to myself and continued to get a glass of water before returning to Rosaline's side.

She started to stir a bit, but still didn't wake up.

I sighed and started talking while grabbing her hand. "Good morning Rose, I hope you slept well. My brothers ran out for supplies, hopefully for something to help with you. I also wanted to say that I know Raph likes you and I think it's great. I just hope you'll wake up so I can get you two together."

I felt a tight squeeze on my hand and I looked over to see Rosaline glaring at me. "Don' dare."

"You're awake!" I exclaimed in delight and hugged her.

She laughed and hugged me back with one arm. "Thank you for staying with me."

"Well, I felt awful for what I made you do...." I mumbled and let go of her hand. "I couldn't bare it when I saw you in here that night. My heart nearly stopped beating."

She slowly sat up and laughed to herself. "I don't know what I was thinking....I'm sorry for arguing so much with you. I've just been really worried for my sister."

"Are we good with each other?" I asked while tilting my head to the side.

She nodded. "Of course. Since you apparently wanna hook me up with your brother, we could be uh.....what do you call it? Best friends?"

"Have you not ever had one of those?" I questioned in confusion. Most humans always have a best friend.

She shook her head. "No, not a real one anyways. They all used me to get money."

"Well I swear that I'll be the bestest friend you've ever had." I held my hand up as if I was doing an oath.

She lightly laughed at me. "Sounds great."

Katherine's POV

As I walked with Oroku Saki, I started feeling like someone was following us.

"Do you sense something, my dear?" He asked in concern.

I shook off the feeling and sighed. "I just felt like someone was watching us, or something."

He suddenly turned around and took a battle stance. "A ninja's sixth sense is never wrong. Unsheathe your Guandao and keep a sharp eye out."

I did what he ordered and looked around. Before I knew it, a chain wrapped around my waist and yanked me away from the Shredder.

"Saki!" I screamed out, and he turned around to come after me.

A smoke bomb was activated and then I was in what seemed like an abandoned warehouse, and getting shoved into a cage.

Once the kidnappers shut the door to my prison, it was being lifted into the air and began to dangle.

"Let me go!" I screamed and immediately punched the barred wall.

I huffed and paced back and forth, hoping Saki would find me.

Oroku Saki's POV

After the smoke cleared away, I saw a slip of paper on the ground.

If you want to save Katherine, meet us at the abandoned warehouse South of here. Don't keep us waiting.

I turned around and began to run to the warehouse so I could save my trainee, my assistant......and my ticket to a better life.

As I entered the rotten complex, I growled. "Release Katherine immediately!"

I saw a cage the was above the ground, and she was in it. "Saki! Get out of here, I figured out its a trap!"

I shook my head and began walking towards her. "I will not leave without you!"

Before I could get any closer, three shadows jumped down in front of me, and swung each of their weapons around. I backed up a bit, but soon swung my arm and made them move of of my way.

"Master Shredder, get out of here! I'll find a way of escape!"

I looked up at her and saw she was pleading with me. I gave in to what she wanted and nodded my head, beginning to make a run for it.

After I was a good distance away, I banged my fist onto the side of a building in an alleyway out of pure anger.

"I hope you're right, Katherine. Because until you return, I cannot continue with my plans."

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