Chapter 4

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Raphael's POV

"Leo, why do we have to keep trainin' everyday? It's not like the foot are suddenly goin' to get any better than they are now." I complained to my oldest brother as we finished our spars.

Leonardo sighed in aggravation. "Raph, we've gone over this before...We train so that we don't become any unskilled than we are now. If we stop training, then we lose the high amount of ability we have for our fighting."

"But dude! My feet hurt so much! Why can't we have a lazy turtle day?!" Michelangelo whined as he collapsed to the floor in exaggeration.

Leo rubbed his eyes, clearly becoming ticked-off. "Crime doesn't take any lazy days, Mikey. So that means neither can we."

Donatello jumped in. "Well technically-"

"Not now, Donnie!" Leo put his pointer finger up, signaling Don to not continue with his sentence. "This isn't the time for technicalities!"

Splinter walked in with a sigh. "My sons, what is the matter here?"

I pointed at my blue-clad brother. "He's what's the matter! Leo won't let us have a day off!"

"Raphael, I understand you wish to have a break, but the foot will not rest until they get what they desire." Splinter frowned. "We must keep protecting the people of our beloved city."

I growled a bit before slightly nodding in agreement. "Yes, Sensei."

Katherine's POV

It was hours that I had been on the rooftops of New York, training myself to be quicker and stealthier wherever I went. I pulled out my phone and looked at the time. 5:00pm. I totally just skipped lunch.

I smiled to myself as I ran back to my
apartment building and climbed down the fire escape, going into the living room of my home.

My sister greeted me with a sigh. "Hey, Kat. What were you out for, this time?"

"Just training myself to be stealthier. I'm not a master, but I'd say I'm good enough to sneakily try and find the turtles. I'm gonna eat some dinner, and then head back out again." I grinned.

Rosie rolled her eyes. "Kat, you've seriously gone crazy."

"No I haven't. Donnie fixed my
Phone, I just know it! So that would mean that they're all real! I have to find them!" I squealed in excitement and nervousness.

My older sister frowned. "Are you sick or something? You're taking your obsession too far, sis."

"But they are real!" I whined.

Rosie groaned. "No, they're not. Unless you come to me with some solid proof, then they're nothing but fake beings."

I suddenly remembered the note, and ran into my room to get it, but I couldn't find it.

"Where's that stupid note?!" I growled to myself as I rummaged through many papers scattered around my countertops. It was gone.

Of course, I became infuriated with myself for losing the only proof I had, causing me to kick the wall and skip dinner as well. I left my room through my window, and went back to the rooftop.

The sun had already set, and that was my cue to go hunting for some foot.

I scavenged my ally ways from above, until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw some of the clan. These guys didn't seem to want to talk, and they held these frightful guns in their hands, but there was a girl who came to the front. "Ah, fresh meat. Who are you, may I ask?"

She seemed to give off a Japanese look, and accent when she spoke. I could immediately tell that this was probably someone affiliated with the Shredder.

"I'm a female who's just going to leave now..." i nervously answered while backing away, but stopped when I saw I was on the edge of the building.

The Kunoichi smiled evilly before making a hand gesture to the foot behind her. Two grabbed my arms and started dragging me along.

"Sorry but you're coming with us. We need bait to attract our enemies." She paused for a moment, and took my phone from my pocket. "But let's see who you are, and if you're of any use to us."

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now