Chapter 3

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Katherine's POV

I slowly raised my head from my counter before stretching with a yawn. "I always fall asleep while working on stuff."

I looked around the piles of components until I finally saw my phone, but something was off. My phone was completely fixed, and it even had a couple of upgrades.

Looking up from my phone, I saw a piece of paper laying down. I picked it up, and read the words that were written neatly:

Uh, hi. I was one of the guys who saved you last night. I followed you home just to make sure the Foot didn't attack you again. When I saw you broke your phone, I fixed it up. No need to repay me with anything, but here's a little advice: Don't go out alone after dark. It's not safe.

I rolled my eyes at the note, but then gasped. "This must've been Donnie...." I muttered to myself. "Donnie followed me home, and fixed my phone for me. DONNIE TOUCHED MY PHONE! ROSIE GUESS WHAT?! DONNIE TOUCHED MY PHONE AND FIXED IT FOR ME!" I yelled while running out of my room and into hers.

She sat up from her bed and rubbed her eyes. "What are babbling on about, Kat?"

"DONNIE. TOUCHED. AND. FIXED. MY. PHONE." I squealed excitedly while running in place to try and control my energy.

Rosie sighed before laying back down and covering herself with her blanket. "It's Saturday, and you're waking me up at 9:00 in the morning to tell me that some fictional turtle came and fixed your phone?"

"Yes." I stated straightforwardly.

Rosie uncovered her head and stared at me blankly. "You're an idiot."

"That's not very nice." I crossed my arms and made a blowfish face at her, putting air in my cheeks to make them big.

Rosie turned her back to me. "I'm not a very nice person. Now leave me alone so I can sleep."

"Meanie." I whined while walking out of her room and into the kitchen, before yelling out and exaggerating. "I guess I'll just have to die all alone in this kitchen with some waffles!"

A moment later, I heard my sister yell back at me. "Nobody cares!"

I huffed once again before pulling out two frozen waffles and sticking them into the toaster.

I grabbed a tall glass out of a cabinet, before getting the milk from the fridge and pouring some out. I put the milk back and grabbed the container of syrup, and waited patiently for my waffles.

When they popped out, I placed them on a plate and carried everything into the living room before plopping myself down onto the couch and switching the TV on.

"This coming in," the news reporter, April, started off. "The foot clan seem to still keep causing mayhem even after the Shredder was defeated two years ago."

As I finished eating, I began to rub my chin. "The more I think about it....the more it makes sense...How do they make a movie containing April O'Neil, the Shredder, and the Foot clan without the turtles existing too?!"


I jumped in shock, only because it still surprises me that someone so innocent looking can be such a hothead.

She's been that way ever since our parents ditched us when she was my age and I was 13. Rosie doesn't ever say much about it. She'll normally get frustrated and tell me not to worry, or just quickly leave the room before I would have a chance to stop her.

I still don't know what caused our parents to leave, but I do kinda miss them.

I sighed to myself, and looked out of the window that led to our fire escape. I could've sworn that it was the turtles last night.

I mentally smacked myself, before standing up and placing everything in the sink. I jogged to my room to grab my phone, and then left a note on the fridge saying that I went out for a bit. I quickly brushed my hair back into a ponytail and got dressed into a Marvel tank-top, torn jean-shorts, some awesome black suspenders, and my flip-flops. I checked over my purple-painted nails, and saw they were good. I slipped on my 'Lord of the Rings' ring, and left the apartment through my window.

I climbed up the fire escape, and onto the rooftop of the complex. Glancing around me, I saw the busy, and noisy New York I was always used to.

I slowly walked to the edge of the roof, and looked down. It was a great fall. I went to the other side of the roof, turned back around, and ran as fast as I could, before jumping into the air, and landing with a tumble on the neighboring rooftop.

"I did it!" I squealed with joy. "Now...I've just got to do it ten times better, faster, and much much MUCH more stealthier. Then I'll be able to easily find the turtles!"

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now