Chapter 14

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Donatello's POV

It was the next day, and I had already finished the typical early morning training with my brothers, which allowed me to return to my room to work on one of my tech devices.

It was only seven in the morning, and I had already heard light footsteps hurry past my room. It did not sound like one of my brothers, so I went to investigate.

I wandered into the kitchen, and noticed Rosaline wearing dark khaki pants, along with a black polo shirt with a logo of some sort on it.

"Good morning, miss Rosaline." I greeted, which startled her.

She sighed while scarfing down some cereal. "Yeah, hey. Can't chat right now, gotta go to work at a pizzeria."

"Oh...well, be safe?" I shrugged while beginning to walk back to my room, when I was stopped.

"Could you check on Kat for me? You don't have to wake her or anything, but I worry sometimes." Rosaline released her grasp from my shoulder and began exiting the lair. "Thanks, uhh....Donatello!"

I sighed while heading to Katherine's doorway. It was wide open, so I cautiously stepped in, being as silent as a ninja. Looking in the direction of where her bed located, I saw the teenager who wore a blue dress-like night gown, curled up into a ball, shivering. She had no blanket of any kind to keep her warm!

I scratched at my head, pondering why she never asked for one, but gave up, figuring she might've been too scared to. I headed back into my room, grabbing a spare blanket I had. It was a royal purple, and was very soft.

I brought it back into Katherine's room, and gently placed it over her. She uncurled herself, stretching out like a starfish before grabbing a portion of the blanket and snuggling with it. Which my hand was still holding on to.

I tried pulling my hand back, which ultimately failed, causing Katherine to grip my arm, and I was forced to kneel beside her bed, and allow her to cuddle with it.

I anxiously waited for her grasp to loosen, but it never did. After about five minutes, I gave up and got more comfortable while kneeling. As if on cue, she woke up, fluttering her eyes open and sitting in an upright position while staring at me confusingly. "What are you doing in here?!"

"I-it's not what you might think!" I stuttered with worry. "Your sister asked me to check on you, and then I saw you didn't have a blanket, so naturally I got you one of mine, but when I went to leave, you were holding my arm. I stayed so I wouldn't wake you up!"

She sighed while sliding her feet off of the bed and standing up to stretch. "Oh...well thanks, Donatello."

"Call me Don, or Donnie." I insisted.

She nervously laughed. "Oh, okay...."

"Are you feeling alright? You don't look so well." I questioned while putting my hand on her forehead, feeling it was normal.

She shrugged. "Well, my heart is racing because I'm talking to a turtle I fawned over for two years. You tell me if I'm feeling alright."

I felt my face flush slightly. "Heheh..... would you care to join me for some breakfast, Katherine?"

"Sure, but first of all, call me Kat. Second, don't you need to do training with your brothers and whatnot?" She asked curiously while following me into the kitchen.

I shook my head whilst pulling out two bowels and filling them with cereal before adding milk and spoons. "Nope. We already trained, my brothers went back to bed, though."

"Then why're you up so early?" Kat furrowed her brows as she sat down next to me at the table and began to eat.

I ate as well, all the while answering her question. "I was planning to work on my tech, but I guess it could wait."

"Well, I like tech too. Maybe we could work together on some of it? That's only if you want-"

I nodded repetitively. "Yes, yes, I'd absolutely love that! With the calculations of two intelligent people, it could very well be possible for us to work together magnificently!"

She giggled before placing her bowel in the sink, and beginning to walk off. "Sounds like a date, then. I'm going to go freshen up, and then I'll come find you."

I stood up as well, my face cherry red. "A d-d-date?!"

A TMNT Love Story: The Sisters In New York [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now