First Night On The Job

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Scott's POV

This place already looked terrifying. It was a talk, bleak, grey stoned building with no windows to be seen inside of it. To some people it would look like a prison. To me it was my new job. This is where I would be working until I finally managed to get a better, higher-paying job for myself. I had no idea how long that was going to take, though. Sighing, I pushed past the front door and stepped inside. I was in the small lobby section of the Attraction. There was a bulletproof glass window where you got your tickets from on the left of me. To the right of me were two doors. One lead to a small toilet stall while the other one led to a changing room. It was originally meant to be used by employees of this place to get dressed up in scary costumes, however, now that Halloween season is coming up a lot of children are coming in with their siblings and parents to this place. Of course, when you're five years old and you're scared half to death, your are most likely going to need a new set of pants. That's what this room is usually used for now. Crying children who got dragged here by their parents...It made me wonder how on earth some people were allowed to have children. Why would you bring your young child to a place like this? It was a freaking haunted house! Sure, it wasn't the scariest thing in the entire world but it still sent shivers down my spine. And now I was going to have to spend an entire night in it...Great.

I walked into the bathroom, did what I needed to do in there, and walked back out again. The office I was supposed to be working in was right at the end of the Attraction. It meant that I had to go through the entire thing to get there...This wasn't going to be fun. The first time that I went through this, which was around two months ago now, when I came out on the other side my throat was sore from all of the yelling, screaming, and shouting that I had done. I didn't see why I could use the office that was in the entrance lobby. What was so bad about that entrance? If the manager of this place put a camera panel in there then I'm sure that I still could keep all of the burglars out! As if somebody would want to rob this place anyways...But no! I had to go through all of the narrow hallways to the back office...I loved and hated this place. Why did I sign up for this job? My parents only mentioned me getting a job once or twice. Was I really that hard to crack? Well, it was better than a stupid office job, I guess. It was only for around, what, six hours? Six hours and getting a fairly deal amount of pay wasn't all bad. I walked to the end of the small lobby and opened up half of the double doors. I found myself standing in a tiny hallway. The only sounds I could hear was the wind outside as well as running water. My throat suddenly tightened and my heart started to pound. Crap. I hated water. I hated it ever since I was a little kid. I think I must've drowned in a pool of something and ever since the sound of water, or even the sight of a large source of water, has just done nothing but trigger the living shit out of me.

My legs started to run. I felt sick and I couldn't breath. I had to get to my office. As soon as I was in my office I would be safe. I would be safe and sound and nothing would be able to get me from there. Right? My office had doors didn't it? If somebody came in all I would have to do was close the doors and wait until they were gone, right? Wasn't that how all night guards did their job? Or did they shoot anybody that they didn't know? Well, not actually shoot them but call the police? Y'know, I wouldn't be all that shocked if this place did have a gun. This place was scary and it already had one of my phobias inside of it, so why wouldn't it have the other three that I have? Hoplophobia, Necrophobia, and Hylophobia. Not to mention my Thalassophobia. Ugh, my Mom was right. I really did need therapy. I really was insane. How did this place hire me even though it said on my application form that I had severe anxiety problems mixed in with tons of phobias? I would never understand this place. As I turned the corner the hallway got larger. Finally. I was at the end. My legs stopped moving as I rested my body against the cold, tiled wall. Around four meters ahead of me was a bright, white light. My office. Finally. I was safe. I was safe for the next six hours. I was glad I used the bathroom before I made my way here. Sure, the bathroom was disgusting as hell, yet if I didn't use it I would most likely be one of those sobbing five year old's going into the changing room now.

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