Not So Secret

231 9 5

Scott's POV

I opened up the door for the second time today and stepped into the hallway. My mother was standing there. What did she want this time? She was pestering me earlier when I was on the phone talking to Porfirio, and now she was pestering me again. What on earth did she want this time? She brought her hand that was hidden around her back into view and held our her palm. It was a large, bright orange bottle. Inside were dozens and dozens of large, bright blue tablets. Was I meant to take more medication now? Weren't five pills every four hours enough already? Couldn't my body get damaged if I took one more? She grabbed my hand, slammed the large bottle into it, and left without another word. It was like she was mad at the fact that she was giving me medication. She was mad at the fact that she was giving me something that could help my life...Either that or she was mad that she was giving me something that could make my body go into a coma from an overdose of drugs. After all, I'm pretty certain that people couldn't take more than five pills every hour, right? Unless they wanted to kill themselves. I slid back into my room and flipped the box over. Just from the name alone I knew what kind of medication it was. It was the kind that stopped you from seeing stuff. It was the medication used for people who suffered with severe hallucination problems such as Schizophrenics. How the hell did she get these without me knowing though? Doctor's only gave you this type of medication when you were with your parents. They didn't just give it out to random people!

I put the new bottle of tablets on my bedside table, where all of my medication was now kept, and laid down on the bed. Compared with the two other bottles I already had, the new pill bottle was massive! It was almost four times the size of the normal bottle I owned. I grabbed my phone from underneath my pillow and turned it on. On the screen was a single text from Porfirio. He had actually messaged me back! I still found it amazing that, out of all people in this world, the person who he chose to have a crush on was me. I had no idea if our most recent conversation meant that we were no officially dating, or if it meant that we were still friends until he actually asked me out on a date. Unless he was going to ask me out on a date now...How would I explain that to my parents? If I told them that I was going out 'with a friend' then they would want me to tell them everything about that person. If I lied about how strong our friendship was, because there was no way that I was going to tell them that we were dating, then once they would find out we were a thing I would get into even more trouble for having a same-sex partner! If I told them straight away that we were dating then I would have to soak in all of the abuse that they would give me afterwards. There was no way that I was getting away with my relationship with him. My parents were going to find out about it no matter how much I hid it from them. I quickly unlocked my phone and went onto my messages. Porfirio had sent me another message asking if I was okay. He must've heard the banging on the door while I was calling him...Great. What did he think of my family now? I quickly typed out a reply.

Yeah I'm okay. You?

As I waited for a reply I grabbed the glass of water that was on my bedside table as well as the two bottles of pills. I left the tablet box my mother gave me unopened. The next time that I freaked out over something that I thought was real I was going to take some and see if they really worked or not. If I overdosed and died then that was her fault. She should know that giving me too many pills would be dangerous for my health! She was a freaking nurse! Unless they were safe to take...That could be a possibility. I opened up the first bottle and spilled two of the little red pills onto the palm of my hand. I put them in my mouth, counted to three, and took a large gulp of water. They went down without any sort of struggle. I moved onto the second bottle. I had forgotten to take these pills for a while and it was really taking its toll. I didn't exactly know what these green pills did for my mind yet, whenever I did take them, it made me feel more relaxed and calm. It probably slowed down some sort of stress hormone or something like that. I swallowed the recommend three of them, sealed the lids back on, and glanced back at my phone. It was buzzing. I had another message from him!

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