The Brother

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Cam's POV

It was becoming night. It was almost ten. Why weren't Linda, her boyfriend, and her boyfriends brother home yet? Had they got into some sort of car crash? Had they died? Were they in hospital? Why were they in hospital? Were they seeing Scott? Was Scott alright? I tried to calm down my breathing with no avail. All I could do was breath heavily and try to not burst out into tears. My heart felt like it was about to shoot through my chest and bash against the ceiling that I was currently staring up at. The fact that there was a large thunderstorm outside didn't really help me in the slightest. How on earth did people find rain and weather similar to that entertaining! It terrified me! I wanted Linda to be back here so badly...What was taking her so long? Oh, I wish that I had a phone right now. If I did I could call her and at least hear her voice. Sure, she might take a few more hours but at least I would know that she was alive! I was so scared...I hated being left alone. I hated it with a burning passion. The only way that I would be able to calm myself down is if I either fell asleep, which seemed impossible with that thunder outside, or if I just ran out of the apartment and tried my best to see if I could somehow find them; that too seemed impossible. If they were outside Linda or her boyfriend would've come up to see if I was okay by now. What could be taking them such a long time? I needed to distract myself. If I did something that made time go by faster then...then maybe it would feel like they were here sooner! 

I jumped off from my bed and sat down at my desk. Linda had given me one of her sketchbooks to draw in as well as some of her old reading books from when she was my age. I shakily picked up a pencil that was laying in a bright red cup, pressed the tip of it to the fresh sheet of paper, and started to doodle random crap. It was just a black smudge that had some human features to it yet it was the only thing that I could draw with my shaking and sweaty hands. I had a feeling that I was having a full blown panic attack right now. I was sweating, shaking, tears were trailing down my face, and I felt like I was going to throw up. I really felt like I was going to be sick. I pushed the notepad to my side, stood up again and ran as fast as I could into the bathroom. As it turns out, I wasn't a very fast runner. I quickly found myself vomiting on the wooden flooring that was just outside my bedroom door. The vomit made my entire mouth go numb and burn at the exact same time. It was a horrible feeling. I wanted Linda here so badly. Now that she has actually starting to care for me like a real sister would do I realised just how much I needed her. I couldn't live on my own! I wouldn't be able to survive on my own! If stuff like this happened when I was left alone for a few hours then how would I react being left alone for days at a time? I heard the sound of the front door opening followed by footsteps and laughter. There was Linda's voice, her boyfriends voice, and another voice. The voice who I presumed belonged to Shane's little brother. Dammit. No! Now they come home! Now is the time that they come home! Before I could even get back up Linda opened the door that was at the end of the hallway and walked in. She took one look at me before screaming at the top of her lungs.

Shane, her boyfriend, and his little brother came running in soon after. His little brother, who actually looked around my age, had bright, ginger hair that was shaven at the sides, as well as bright amber eyes. He had the same shocked expression as my sister did on my face. Linda ran over to me and picked me up by my armpits. My body had turned so numb from all of the emotional trauma that I had just experienced that it didn't hurt a single bit. She dragged me into the bathroom were she sat me down in the bathtub, grabbed a face cloth, and started to rub the vomit off from my clothes as get the dried bits from out of my hair. Now that I thought of it, my hair really needed to be cut. It was starting to turn into a mullet right now. At least Linda was here. She was alive and well. She wasn't dead like I thought that she was. She was alive...She was alive! Why was I even worrying in the first place? I really needed to get my anxiety under control. Ever since this whole flood thing happened my anxiety levels had gone through the roof. If anything I thought that these thoughts and feelings would die down slightly. I thought that, once the flood was over, I would become braver because of it. As it turns out I've become more terrified of the simplest of things. I was such a baby...Who in this world would be scared of spending a few hours in an apartment, which had an extremely high security level, and become so scared that they end up vomiting? Nobody...It was only me. I was officially one of the most paranoid people in the entire world. It wasn't fair! Why did this have to happen to me? Why did my brain have to act that way? It was just plain stupid. I was seriously considering taking some sort of therapy. 

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