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Porfirio's POV

Scott, somehow, managed to convince me to come to the local children's home so that we could get a vague idea of what kid we wanted to adopt. After what happened with that stupid Springtrap a few nights ago, the company, for some reason, decided to let us have two weeks off because of the 'emotional and physical trauma' that was apparently caused. I wasn't complaining. Scott was finally going to get enough sleep each night before we had to go back to work, we could actually relax, and we could finally start to think about buying our own apartment and adopting. The company also gave us money alongside our short break, and if I put that next to all of the money that I had saved up over the last weeks or so, we had enough money to move into a small apartment and, hopefully, only have to earn a bit more money before we were good for the first month of rent as well. I wonder if we were allowed to even have a child. I new that we could have a child in the apartment but...but were we, as two male's, actually allowed to adopt? I had no idea if that was a thing that was possible or not. I had no idea if we were actually allowed to go into the freaking adoption centre while holding hands! The adoption centre itself looked like a normal, friendly, caring place yet I knew that looks could be deceiving. I had no idea why Scott managed to convince me to come here with him on our first day off. To be honest I wanted to spend at least the first two days doing nothing but relaxing. Then again, if I stayed in my crappy, shared apartment for too long, then I wouldn't be able to get anything done on time. I would probably never get out of bed, walk to the nearest house saleplace, and start to look for an apartment. In a way, I was glad that Scott pulled me out. He was the one that was going to keep me active during the next two weeks. 

The adoption centre looked strangely creepy. It looked like that it used to be painted a bright green colour, but now it was a dull, mossy brown colour. The door also had a flower pot on either side of it. The flowers were dull and all dried up. Was this place even open? Was it in use any more? I dared to knock on the door. There was a few seconds of silence before it swung open and a woman stepped out. She wore a black, puffy dress with a white apron tied around her waist. She looked like one of those old-fashioned maids. The only way you could tell that she wasn't a old woman was by the colour of her hair. It was a bright shade of orange with red, blue, green, and purple stripes near the tips of it. How could you even dye your hair like that? When I first met Rio, I thought that his hair colour was weird. I mean, I've seen people with blue and green hair but I had never seen a person with purple hair. Ever since the flood ended, he has been slowly dying his hair a more 'neon' purple rather than a pastel one. Now that I was looking at who I presumed to be a staff member at this place, Rio's hair almost looked normal compared to it. The only thing that was the same about his hair was where the stripes were. They were in the exact same place. I still had no idea what his normal hair colour was. Whenever his original hair colour started to fade he always dyed over it that same day.  

A young kid, only around four or five, came into sight. He wore a plain white shirt and green cargo styled trousers that looked two sizes too big for him. Either that or he was extremely skinny. He took one look at us before running off. Did we scare him or something? The staff just chuckled to themselves before asking our names. Once we both gave them she nodded and let us walk inside. The place wasn't as shabby as I thought it would be. The first room we walked into was a six meter by six meter room that had shoe racks on either side of it. On these racks were tons upon tons of small boots, sandals, and those weird, plastic shoes that kids seem to always wear. There were also some teenage-sized shoes tucked away in the corner. I really wanted to adopt a teenager. I always felt bad at the thought of teenagers being stuck in care homes for their entire childhood life because people always want to adopt the cuter, younger children. I knew that Scott did want to adopt a toddler, as he wanted to bring the child up from a young age, but hopefully I could encourage him to at least think about adopting an older child. Sure, it might be harder as they would have a higher chance or having random mood-swings, but at least they would be out of a place like this. This wasn't a good place for a teenager to grow up in. It wasn't a good place for anybody, regardless or age, to grow up in. The person, who I still didn't know the name of yet, opened up the door and let us into what I guessed to be the main room. 

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