Colder Nights

201 7 1

Scott's POV

Porifrio turned off all of the lights in the room, put his arm around my shoulders, and pulled me back up the flights of stairs. To be honest I was still a little bit nervous of this dark stairwell yet knowing that Porfirio actually liked me enough to save me from drowning calmed me down enough to refrain from getting an anxiety attack. The locker rooms that were near the swimming pool didn't have any hair dryers so my hair was still soaking wet. The foul tasting water dripped down my face and stained the back of my shirt. I couldn't wait until we got to the Attraction and changed out of these clothes and into our work ones. As we walked out onto the street a blast of cold air it me, instantly making my body cold. Why didn't I bring a jacket out here? Why did I think that I was going to be fine just wearing this? The fact that the back of my shirt was wet didn't help that much either. I hoped that I wouldn't get hypothermia. Porifirio pulled me closer towards his body, letting me rest my head on his shoulder. He was warm. So very warm. It was...relaxing. It felt nice. I had forgotten to take my medication before I left yet I felt fine whenever I was around him. We both started to walk towards the Attraction. I didn't want to go back to work after the wonderful night that I had. I had so much fun today that I didn't want it to end! I wanted this to last for the entire night!

We walked past the Attraction and down a small, claustrophobic alleyway. The only light that illuminated our path was coming from a porch light that was outside of the house. Why was he taking me down here? Was he taking me to another random place? I hoped it was going to be as good as the swimming pool in the basement. If it was going to be some random apartment that had no life to it whatsoever then I knew that I would have to go either back home or back to the attraction. Unless abanoded places weren't lit up like that I hated them. The fact that I hadn't taken my medication wasn't going to help me out if that happened either. I reached out and grabbed onto his hand. My heart was started to beat faster. No...I couldn't have an anxiety attack. Anxiety attacks were always bad on their own when I did take medication but they were even worse without! I slowly focused my eyes onto his face. He didn't seem bothered with this place whatsoever. I stared back down at the ground. I had to just stay calm. Breath heavily. Breathing heavily last time seemed to work. Well, it worked in the changing rooms. It didn't work that well while I was underwater though. We suddenly came out of the alleyway. We were now standing on a random street that was filled up with takeaway shops, apartment buildings, damaged shops, and tons of gang members. What kind of town were we on? Was this the side of town that Porfirio lived on? I knew that he said he lived on a bad side of town...I had no idea that it was this bad?

He let go of my hand and moved his own up my arm until it was touching my elbow. He pulled his hat down further, took a deep breath, and started to sprint. Why was he running so fast? Did these gang members have something against him? As he ran I couldn't help but try to look at the gang members who were currently staring at us as if we were crazy. Half of them looked kinda annoyed with how we were acting while the other half looked like they wanted to murder us. I was so terrified. Did Porfirio have to walk through this street everyday to get to the Attraction? How did he survive not getting beaten up by these guys everyday? We turned down the end of the street. All of the shop buildings turned into houses. Multiple of them. Is this where he lived then? He stopped outside of a house that was near the end of the street. The front lawn was tattered. There was large chunks of grass ripped out of the ground, the almost invisible path was uneven as hell. One of the tiles itself had been pulled out! What, and why, did somebody or something did that? Were Porfirio's parents really that bad? Did they get into fights that were so bad that they freaking pulled the front garden up? He moved his hands away from me and started to walk down the pathway. He opened up the door, took a step into the house, and turned around to face me. He jolted his head backwards as if to say that I could come in.

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