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Scott's POV

The camera tablet had been replaced overnight. It was a good thing as well, as the other tablet had apparently broken on Porfirio in the last ten minutes of the night. I was in charge of the systems reboot tablet as it was the smaller one which I was able to hole with one arm. The only reason why I couldn't use one of my arms was because my shoulder felt like it was slowly pushing its way out of my own skin. It was so painful. The pain seemed to have tripled since Porfirio pulled me back up. I noticed that there was an ventilation error. I quickly pressed down on the screen which started up the reboot again. There was no way that I was going to survive an hallucination while I was in this state. I hadn't taken any medication since this morning, my shoulder felt like it was broken, my leg was bleeding out, and I felt my body being on the brink of falling into a severe panic attack. I wanted this night to be over so badly! I wanted to go home, take my pills, and fall asleep. Yet if he was really serious about taking me to hospital over my battered body then I wouldn't be able to do that. There was no way that I would escape from a panic attack in the hospital! I hated them with a burning passion, so being forced into one without taking any medication would be nearly impossible. Unless the hospital he was taking me to was the one that I first went to when I was given my pills. If they knew that I had forgotten to take my medication then maybe they could give pills to me there. Then again they might just think I was lying and leave me be...I didn't know what would happen at this place.

Something caught the top of my vision. I lifted my head and looked out of the window that was right in front of the desk that we were sitting at. Standing there, in all of its glory, was the animatronic. We made eye contact. Its blinding white, shiny eyes stared into mine. The guts that were showing through the holes on its body suddenly seemed all too real. There was an actual human inside of that costume. An actual human that was trying to escape from that costume! I dared to look closer at its heart. It was weakly pulsating. The person was still alive! I screamed out, pushing my chair back and rising to my feet. The pain that was in my legs cried out, making another yell escape from my mouth. The robot started to slowly move towards the door. Porfirio was rapid-fire pressing the 'play audio' button that was on the tablet with no avail. It wasn't working at all. The aniamtronic was slowly coming closer. Where the hell was I meant to go? If I ran out it would probably attack me, yet if I stayed inside the office it would come in here and attack all of us. Alex suddenly yelped. He too had seen the animatronic. His entire body started to shake. He was scared, the poor thing. Was it worth running out of this office and getting torn up by the hands of a robot/human just so that my boyfriend and his little brother would survive? I looked back up at Porfirio again. He was still pressing down on the audio button. Every few seconds he would look through the window, down at his brother, and back at the screen again. Yes...It had to be worth it.

I straightened out my leg, took a deep breath, and started to sprint. As soon as I started to do so the ground began to shake furiously. What the hell was going on? Small bits of the tiles that were on the ceiling began to fall to the ground. They were followed by large chunks of tiles and, only a few moments later, full chunks of the bricks that were in the ceiling themselves. Alex started to crawl towards the desk, hiding underneath it and placing his shivering hands over his head. This was an earthquake. Why did an earthquake have to be happening now? Of all moments why now? Porfirio threw the tablet to the ground and dived underneath the table as well. I was frozen in fear. The pieces of wood, brick, and stone that made the roof up scraped against my body. It was only making it damaged even more but I was still terrified. I couldn't breath. I couldn't think. My heart was starting to pound like mad. No...Not a anxiety attack. Not now! I had to think! I had to freaking think! It was one of these stupid attacks that were going to cost my life! There was a loud scream. It wasn't coming from the office but the hallway outside of it. The animatronic was pressed up against the wall, trying desperately to pull its head off from its shoulders. I felt so sorry for the person inside of it. They were probably as scared as I was. The wall, suddenly, fell to the ground. It knocked me flat onto the floor. My shoulder was crying out from pain while my leg wasn't moving at all. It was trapped by the rubble. More of the ceiling fell on top of me, blocking out any of the light that was left behind in the middle of the night. All I could see was darkness. Well, no. That was a lie. There was a thin dot of light right by the side of me. It was teasing me...Showing me an escape that would never happen.

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