Depressing Secrets.

172 6 16

Scott's POV

My body woke up to the sound of wind bashing against the sealed windows. I opened my eyes to see Porfirio crouching over a candle that he had somehow lit up. The only other source of light was the full moon shining through the window. I went so sit up when a sharp bullet of pain ran from the bottom of my spine to the centre of my head. My entire body was so sore from...from what happened between me and Porfirio ever. As it turns out, some things in life which, at the time, are extremely pleasurable, can turn out to be horrible for your body later on. I didn't even know how I found this pleasurable around four or so hours ago. I flopped back down on the bed and groaned loudly, causing him to look up from the small flicker of light that was on the floor. I stayed still, not wanting to show him that I was awake. I was so tired. I wanted to go back to sleep so badly right now. The things that we did together lasted for at least a full hour and involved a lot of moving around, clenching, and pulling parts of our bodies that we didn't even know existed. It was both disturbing, scary and delightful. I never felt that way around another person before. It was a weird experience indeed. He walked over to me and placed his hand against my chest. I flinched out in pain. That was another part of my body that hurt as well. There was currently bruises covering my entire chest from when Porfirio got a bit to carried away with the hickies that he was giving me. He placed his hands to his side and smirked. Sighing, I sat up again, trying my best to ignore the aching pain that was rushing throughout my entire body, and got back up to my feet. I really needed a shower...Hopefully the water in the shower was still working.

I walked into the main living room and looked out of the smashed window. The surface of the water was now still. It had actually shrunk a little bit. Was this nightmare finally ending? I really hoped that it was. I had no idea how long I was going to be able to survive with this water constantly surrounding us. I turned on my heel, walked into the bathroom and switched on the light. Nothing. Had the power companies cut all of the lights now? Great...I hoped that the water was still on. If it wasn't then I was going to get dehydrated and ill again. I walked over to the shower, reached in, and pressed my hands against the button that was halfway up the wall. After a few seconds a strong stream of water started to flow from the head. Good. At least that was still working. I turned off the water again and started to strip. I would normally make sure that the bathroom door was shut when I got out of my clothes but, right now, I really didn't care. The only person that would be able to see me naked was the person that lived here. Porfirio. And, despite the fact that we were underneath dark covers, he saw me naked yesterday anyway. Once all of my clothes were on the floor and no longer on my body I stepped into the shower and turned on the water again. As I was waiting for it to become a warm enough temperature I ran my fingers over the bruises that covered my chest, neck, and good shoulder. I remembered how much noise I made while he was giving them to me...Yet the noises that I made only got louder when our actions got more intense. When we had finished Porfirio said that I would have to wear a gag the next time we did that...I blushed at the memory. Why would he say things like that to me? It just made me odd...

There was a faint sound of Porfirio talking to somebody coming from the other room. Who was he talking to? There was nobody else in the house, was there? Unless Cam somehow got back in here! Ugh, what was I saying? Why would they come back here? How would they even know that we were here? It was clear to see that we would never meet again. We only knew each other for around twelve hours yet I felt like we had known each other for years. I felt as if we had made some connection over those hours as we laid on that piece of wood. To be honest, I thought that they would be the last person that I would ever see in my entire life. I thought that I would die while I was on that plank of wood. In a weird, messed up way, I wished that I did die. If I died when I was back with Cam then I wouldn't have had that attack that I had while the thunderstorm was going on, I wouldn't have felt the pain of dehydration and I wouldn't have experienced the death of my boyfriends little brother. There was a reason why I didn't die, though. The world was giving me a second chance despite almost killing me through stuff like illnesses and damaging nearly all of the bones that were inside of my body. There was a reason why the world was giving me another chance...I wanted it to be a good reason. I hoped that going through all of this pain, stress, and agony so far would be worth it in the end.

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