Theme Parks

64 3 9

Scott's POV

Despite it being the weekend during the school year, there were tons and tons of cars on the road, stopping us from going anywhere. Normally, I would be fine with this, but the fact that there were seven of us, including me, in the car, it was starting to get stuffy. Me and Rio were in the front seats, Linda, Shane, AJ, and Cam were in the backseat, and we somehow encouraged Mitch to sit in the trunk of the car. He sat with his back pressed up against the side wall, meaning that nobody outside of the car could see him with a passing glance. It was so cramped in there I was surprised that he hadn't had some sort of panic attack already. I glanced back. Linda and and Shane were laughing to each other, Cam and AJ were playing a game of battleships, and the top of Mitch's head could be seen poking out from behind the backseats. Mixed within the noise, I could hear the sound of whining noises coming out of his mouth. Was he alright? I hope he was...He was probably feeling travel sick, the poor thing. Anybody would feel travel sick if they were cooped up in a space like that for two hours straight.

I turned back, grabbed the navigator thing we had, and checked the small timer that was in the bottom left hand corner. It was supposed to tell us how long we had left. According to this thing, we had a whole hour left before we could even see the theme park. This was going to take forever, wasn't it? I placed the weird navigator, whatever it was called, back down onto the dashboard and looked ahead. For miles and miles ahead, all you could see were cars. Nothing but damned cars. I wouldn't be shocked if the place was shut by the time that we got there. I rested my head against the glass and stared out at all of the dying plants that were on the sides of the highway. I couldn't believe that years and years ago, this used to be a massive field filled with trees, flowers, and wildlife. Now it was just concrete that was constantly covered in metal cars, making everything twenty degree's hotter. Still, it was better than driving on a one-way road the entire journey. God, it was so hot. Why couldn't we wind down the windows? Was Rio scared that we were going to let in weird car fumes or something? I mean, sure, there were tons of cars around pumping out carbon dioxide, but there was no way that it was going to harm us for the entire day, right?

I closed my eyes and tried to block out the sounds of talking that were coming from both beside me and behind me. The only person, apart from me of course, that wasn't talking was Mitch. He was staying scarily silent. The only sound you could hear coming out of him was the sound of heavy, slightly shaky breathing. It was like he was trying to calm himself down or something. Was he having some sort of panic attack? Ugh, I hope it wasn't. It didn't sound like it to be honest. If he was having some sort of panic attack, then I bet that Cam and their friends would've noticed by now. Then again they were yelling like crazy right now. Knowing me, I was probably the only person that heard it. I sighed underneath my breath, pulled my knees up to my chest, and tried my best to fall asleep in the position that I was in. Rio's car wasn't that big to be honest; it was only meant to take up to four people at a freaking time, and we had a total of seven people cramped into this thing. I still don't know how we managed to do such a thing, but we did. Even with four people in the car, it was still cramped. There was hardly any room to move around whatsoever.

My shoulder suddenly got shaken, shocking me awake. Crap! Did I fall asleep? How the heck did I fall asleep so quickly and not realise it?! I sat up, placed my feet on the floor, and looked forward. There were no cars to be seen. In the near distance, a large sign reading 'Rhett's Theme Park' could be seen. Were we here already? I ran my fingers through my hair and turned back. Everybody was cheering, yelling, and shouting in excitement Linda, Shane, and AJ all had their phones out, most likely taking videos or pictures of us entering the place, while Cam was taking a photo by using a professional camera. It was great! Mitch on the other hand...He looked like he was about to start crying, the poor thing. He wasn't excited for this one bit. Well, I knew that, as soon as he went onto one of the rides, his perception on this entire thing would chance instantly. He would freaking love it! I knew it. Rio drove past the entrance of the place, chose a spot in the practically empty car lot, and stopped the engine. The moment he did so, Cam, Linda, AJ, Shane, and Rio jumped out of the car and ran straight towards the entrance. I guess that meant that I was getting everything out...As always.

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