
113 4 16

Porfirio's POV

A full hour had passed. Enis was currently flicking through the cameras while I was looking out of the small window that was in the door. To be honest, the office did look a little bit terrifying in complete darkness, yet it was much better than being stuck in the very back of the Attraction with the constant risk of being mauled to death. We had both seen the animatronic, which was still moving around perfectly fine, a few times yet that was about it. The stupid robot seemed confused at the fact that they thought that nobody was inside of the building. I couldn't help chuckling at the thought of that thing, which caused me to get panicked almost every single night, getting confused and angry at the fact that it couldn't kill us. It was truly amazing. I couldn't wait until Scott was well enough to work again. He would be so much more relaxed now that we weren't in that cramped, humid, and door-less office. Now that we were in here that robot wouldn't be able to get to us! We would be safer than ever before. He would be so much happier. His panic attacks might even stop! He had already told me that thinking about that stupid office was the reason behind most of his panic attacks. Now that we were in here...they could stop. At the very least they would become less fierce. They wouldn't be the anywhere near the attack that he had today...That was purely terrifying. He was shivering, shaking, and even vomiting. I still regretted jabbing him with that sedation needle. Knowing the doctors there, they would instantly notice that the syringe filled with that liquid was gone. They would see the small cut on his arm that got created when I put the needle into him and start questioning him. Whatever they did, I prayed that they weren't shouting at him. He hated being shout at. He once told me that, whenever his parents shouted at him, it would terrify him. He would always hide away somewhere until he calmed down. He wouldn't be able to do that in a hospital!

A loud chime rang through the office. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and looked at it. It was already six! How come it was already six? How long had I been thinking about Scott for? Honestly, I didn't care about the amount of time that my boyfriend had been on my brain. I knew that he needed me. Something was telling me to run straight out of this building, sprint as fast as I could to the hospital, and save him. Something was telling me that he was in danger. Was it because I hadn't been with him for six or so hours? Was it just me panicking? Enis stood up, unlocked the door, and stepped out into the main part of the office. He flicked some lights on, illuminating the room with light. I turned the tablets off and stood up. I started to feel sick. Was I about to vomit? I pushed my chair in and stumbled out of the room into the main office. Enis was leaning up against the counter top, trying to call somebody on his phone. I presumed that it was Nug. That seemed like the only person that he would call right now. I jogged out of the office, into the lobby, and out the front doors. The air was bitter and cold, making my goosebumps stand up all over my entire body. Rain poured down from the sky, soaking me within seconds. Great. Winter was right around the corner. I crossed my arms over my chest and started to run as fast as my legs could take me towards the direction of the hospital. Something was wrong with Scott...My gut instinct rarely lied to me. On the rare time that it did lie to me, it was usually for something small like forgetting a pen for class or accidentally wearing my shirt inside out.

When I turned around the corner that the hospital I stopped moving. There were two police vans outside of the building. What the hell happened? What was going on? Why were there police officers inside of this building? What was going on? Was some sort of criminal in there or something? I slowly walked up to the entrance, my heart feeling like it was going to burst out of my chest. I was terrified. I knew that something wrong was going on inside of that place. I knew something was going on! I knew it. My gut wasn't lying to me. I pushed past the front doors, expecting to see chaos inside. I was slightly surprised to see that everything was normal. What was going on? Why was it so quiet? Why were there police vans outside? I shakily walked up to the front desk, told the person why I was here, before walking through the doors that they had opened for me. Everything in the main courtyard was fine. There was no screaming, no running about, and no police officers. There was nothing. If anything, it was more quiet than usual. I walked straight down the hallway that led to Scott's ward. I just had to see if he was alright...That was all I needed to do. Once I saw that he was alive I would be able to either go back 'home' and sleep or just rest here. I'm sure that the doctors wouldn't mind, right? Sleeping quietly on a chair next to my boyfriends bed was much better than me freaking stabbing needles into their patients, that was for sure. After what seemed like hours and hours of walking I finally got to the ward that he was on. 

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