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Scott's POV

I was so nervous. Rio wasn't here. He wouldn't be here for another six hours. I would have nobody to go to if I had a panic attack. I didn't know anybody here! Heck, I hardly knew their names! I wouldn't be able to survive a night alone. I pulled the blankets of my bed over my head, pulled my knees up to my chest, and ran my fingers over my stitches. The stitches themselves didn't hurt, it was the soreness from the dressing that was making me wince. Those bandages were way too tight. I knew they were too tight as soon as the doctor started to wrap it around my chest. The only reason I stayed silent was because I didn't want to make a massive fuss about everything. All I wanted was to get out of that place as fast as possible so that I could spend more time with Porfirio yet, when I first woke up after getting a bullet fired through my chest, it was like I had completely forgotten that he had to work all night. I wanted Rio here more than anything else in the world right now. I wanted him here so badly. There was no way that I was going to survive this entire night without having some sort of panic attack. Hopefully it wouldn't be as bad as the one that I got right after I slipped out of my coma. I still remember that one to this day. It was...terrifying. I remembered every little detail about it. I didn't want to have another attack like that ever again. At the very least, if I was going to get an attack like that, I didn't want to be alone. I wanted to be with somebody that I knew. I didn't want to be alone! I buried my face into Rio's pillow and shut my eyes. Maybe if I just feel asleep I would wake back up relaxed, refreshed, and happy. Hopefully...

There was sounds coming from the hallway outside. It was a bunch of people laughing and talking. Crap. Did they know that I was here? How would they react if they walked in here and saw a random person? They would bound to call the police...Tears started to roll down my face. I didn't want to be here any more. I wanted to be with Rio, at the Attraction, feeling both scared and happy at the same time. I wanted to feel that wave of nausea when we saw that animatronic. I wanted to feel that wave of love when he held onto my hand as it got closer. I wanted to feel these emotions so badly! Knowing the damage that had been created by that bullet...That wasn't happening. That was never going to happen. I wanted Rio so badly...I missed him so much. Apart from Cam, he was the only one that I had left. I could try and call Cam...Would they actually come over this late at night? It was worth a shot. The worst thing that could happen was that they didn't come over. I blindly grabbed my phone from the bedside table, unlocked it, and dialled their number. Even if they couldn't come over, hearing them talk to me would, hopefully, be enough to calm me down. I didn't even need to have a conversation with them. If they had set their own voice mail on their phone then I would hear that. I just wanted to listen to somebody that I knew...It would be enough to calm me down. It would be much better than being forced to talk to myself out loud. The people here would only think that I was insane if they heard me talking out to...well, nobody. They would hate me, just like every other person in this world. The only two people that I knew didn't fully hate me were Porfirio and Cam..They were the only two people...

The ringing that could be heard faded into silence and the automated voice mail, which was on every phone when you first brought it, hit my ears. Why did I think that they would be awake right now? I turned my phone off and threw it onto the floor.  I couldn't even call Porfirio. You weren't allowed to use your phone at work unless you were on your break. The only time I could call him while he was doing his shift was either right before he started, or right after it ended. I would have to wait for at least six whole hours before I could even think about calling him again. How the hell was I supposed to survive six hours on my own, in a place that I had never been before, without the ability to move around? If I moved around too much the stitches in my chest would come undone and I would have to go to that blasted hospital again! I didn't want to go to that place again...I hated it. I hated it so much. I hated the doctors there, I hated the smell of it, I hated the uncomfortable beds, I hated the fact that the entire place was freezing cold, and I hated the bathrooms in that place. I hated everything about it! I didn't want to go back there! I never wanted to go back there in my entire life! The doctors there hated my guts. I mean, the doctor who was tying my bandages obviously knew they were too tight. Couldn't they see that I was having trouble breathing? Why couldn't they bloody see that? Oh, why couldn't I have been brave enough and said that I found the bandages uncomfortable? Surely if the doctor that was wrapping them around me, actually had a heart, he would've loosened them a bit. Why couldn't I have been brave enough to do that?

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