Second Night

344 10 14

Scott's POV

It was time for night two. Another night in this hell. I wasn't looking forward to it in the slightest. I was dreading it. What kind of things would happen tonight? Would the hallucinations get worse? Would the animatronic come into the office? Would one of the systems fail? Would one of us get injured? In that place anything was possible. My heart started to pound as I made my way up the path that led to the front door. The entire Attraction was located on top of a rather large hill, meaning that you normally exhausted yourself before you even got inside of the place that was meant to scare you! It wasn't good. When I eventually made it to the top of the hill I pushed open the front door and stepped inside. As I did so a kid, only around eight, ran into me. His nose was running, his eyes were streaming, and his entire body shook. It was so weird. This place has closed down now! It closed to patrons around two or even three hours ago! So why on earth was there a child in here? Did their parents forget him or something like that? How could you forget your own child? I opened up all of the doors in the room to see if the child's parents or carers were still in this building. They weren't. I looked back over towards the child and sighed loudly. He looked so scared, the poor thing.

Not only that but his clothes seemed...old. For starters the shirt that he was wearing was all torn up. It was so torn up that it could be seen as a freaking crop top! The trousers that he was wearing were also damaged. The hems of them were all frayed while there was a massive hole over his left knee. The ripped hems also dragged along the floor behind him. The young boy stepped underneath the light that was in the centre of the room. I jumped at the sight of his face. Over the right side was a large bruise that seemed fairly new while there was a inflamed scar running down the side of his neck. Did his parents...abuse him? It sure seemed like it. Damaged clothing, physical wounds, and the fact that he seemed to be left behind here. What kind of parents did this kid have? I got down to his level and placed my hand on his shoulder. He flinched at my touch. He had defientely been hit once or twice in his life. Why else would he flinch? I didn't even touch him that harshly! I put my hand back at my side and watched him as he walked over to the corner of the room, sat down, buried his face in his hands, and started to quietly sob. I felt so sorry for him. What did he do to deserve all of this pain that he was currently feeling? What the hell did he do? How old was this kid? Eight? Nine? He didn't look old enough to commit any sort of...any sort of anger to anybody!

The door that led into the hallways opened and, out of all people, Porfirio walked out. He took one look at the kid when a small smile showed up on his face. The child ran over to him and flung their arms around their waist. Were they somehow related? They didn't look alike at all! They looked the exact opposite. There was no way that they were related. The small boy let go of Porfiro's waist before he got lifted up onto his shoulders. Now that the kid was much nearer the light the injuries that covered the exposed parts of his body seemed a lot more pronounced, inflamed, and painful. How many tears did he cry when those injuries happened to him? I didn't want to know. It would've been many. I sighed under my breath. I might as well go and wait in the office for their interaction to be over. I scooted past them and started to make my way down the darkened hallways. My entire body was tensed up out of fear that the animatronic that roamed this place would jump out and scare the living daylights out of me. I didn't want to get killed...Not today, anyway. At least I wasn't having any sort of anxiety attacks yet. That was always a good sign. Apart from my massive episode this morning, my day hasn't been that bad really. Once the rain died down I went out to town and decided to relax in a coffee shop for a while. Around two full minutes of being in the shop Porfirio himself walks in and decides to talk to me. That...That was actually quite a fun time.

My face suddenly turned bright red. I stopped in my tracks. What was wrong with me? Why did I just randomly blush when I thought about something that happened earlier today? I briefly turned back for a few seconds to make sure that he wasn't standing there. He wasn't. He was probably still in the lobby cleaning up the cuts of the kid that he seemed to have some sort of connection with. Maybe it was his cousin? Cousin's rarely looked alike after all, yet they were still related. There was a high chance that was the case. I shook my head, trying to rid the weird thoughts that my brain was currently filled up with, before I started to walk towards the office again. As I walked I gripped my head tightly, trying not to think about it. I didn't have feelings for Porfirio like that did I? There was no way that I could like like him, right? No! I couldn't! I wasn't bloody gay! If my parents found out that I was gay they would pack me up and send me off to some sort of therapy camp to sort my brain out. They were nice parents and all, and they have helped me through some dark times when I was younger, but if they found out that I was gay they would hate me! Despite them being nice they were pretty devout Christians...I'm pretty certain that they're against homosexuals. I knew that many Christians weren't against that but I was still so afraid. Wait, why was I even afraid. I wasn't gay, right? If I wasn't gay I didn't need to be afraid...

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