Stupid Thoughts

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Porfirio's POV

Why did I think that would work? Why did I think that trying to kiss him would work? He probably didn't even have a crush on me. He probably had a crush on somebody else. I stared at myself in the mirror. I hated myself. Why did I think that was a good idea?! How stupid was I? My foster parents were right. I am crazy. I am just like my father. What kind of sane person would kiss their crush even though they didn't like them back? In a way, I was glad that he ran out of the office. If he didn't then the situation would've gotten a whole load more awkward. What was Scott doing right now? Was he back at his home ringing our boss, asking if he could quit. I wouldn't be shocked if that was the case. He probably was too freaked out to come and work here again after what happened tonight. I looked over at Alex. He was still fast asleep despite everything that had occurred. I was never going to tell him the events of tonight. They would be too hard to actually say. They would be so embarrassing. My ideas were so stupid. Why on earth did I think that kissing Scott would make him like me? Why didn't my brain think of the possible consequences that could happen before I kissed him? I hated my brain sometimes. I turned on the tap, letting the thin stream of cold water come out of it, and splashed some water in my face. It didn't really help me calm down that much. All it did was make my face cold and my bangs wet.

I sighed under my breath and picked up Alex from the floor. His eyes opened a crack. He looked so tired, the poor thing. I really didn't want to send him off to school next week. I would have to bring him to work to avoid him getting beaten to death by his parents, meaning that he would hardly get any sleep whatsoever. All of the things that happened during the average night at Fazbears Fright would be too loud for him. The weird colours that the office also had would, most likely, trigger his Schizophrenia. That wouldn't be good either. Why was all of this so freaking hard? I thought that once I started to get money from this job, I could move out of my current house with Alex and live in an apartment. When Scott first joined I thought that my life was going to get even better! I fell in love with him instantly...Ugh, it sounded so fucking corny but it was true! I felt as if we made an instant connection. My brain somehow thought that if there was a chance that we both liked each other then he could move in with us as well. As it turns out my stupid plan was a failure. I hardly made any money from this job, Scott didn't like me in the way that he thought that he did, Alex was getting harsher and harsher beatings, and my foster parents were starting to hate me more and more. I didn't even deserve to be on this planet anymore.

I stormed out of the bathroom and made my way out of the Attraction itself. It was pouring with rain. Great. I loved rain...Not. I held Alex close to my chest as I ran down the hill and onto the pavement. Even while I was running it was going to take a while to get home. It would take even longer before I could fall asleep and forget everything that happened today. I didn't want to think about my crush on Scott. I didn't want to think about him at all. All I wanted to think about was how I was going to survive on the job alone. I knew that he was going to quit after what happened today. What kind of sane person would decide to stay at their job despite the fact that their only co-worker had a crush on them so much that they decided to kiss them? If that happened to me, and I didn't like the person who was doing so in that kind of way, I would leave for sure. If Scott was still there tomorrow I was seriously going to ask him why. Unless he really needed the money he had no other reason to stay. I closed my eyes and sighed loudly. I hated myself so much right now. If I didn't kiss him then maybe, just maybe, there would be a chance that he would fall in love with me overtime. Yet I blew it. I blew our chances away! And I hated myself for it...I hated myself so much! Why would I do such a stupid thing?

The rain seemed to get harder and harder with each step I took. Within a matter of seconds both mine and Alex's clothes were soaked through. He shivered in my arms, gripping tightly to my chest with his bruised hands. His parents saw that I had fixed him up and thought that doing that was going to hurt his mental health in some way. Yeah...They thought that me actually supporting him rather than hitting him was a bad thing. Luckily his mother only slammed his hand against a metal pole a few times. It was a bad thing when that was the lowest punishment your little brother could get. I gently ran my hand through his dampened hair. I could tell that he was broken inside from all of the abuse he was receiving. He always hid it so well from the odd police officer that came round our else as well as at family parties. He acted as if he was living in the best household ever. I could see through his mask. It was paper thin. It would only take a few more beatings before he shattered entirely. I needed to do something about all of this...There was no way that I was going to be able to buy my own home yet I could afford a few weeks away in a hotel. That was it, though. Alex gasped loudly, looking behind me. He was about to have another on of his Schizophrenic episodes. I picked up my pace. I had to get him home before it got even worse. His episodes always turned into terrible ones when we were outside.

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