We're Saved

151 8 9

Porfirio's POV

Cam was lying on the sofa, fast asleep. I couldn't believe that somebody would try and hurt them in that kind of way. Like, why would you even try to do something like that to someone during a time like this? Were people really going insane that quickly? I stared down at the bruises that covered their entire body. Right now I had no idea if they were from that stupid rapist or if they were from the floods that were going on outside right now. Still, no matter what they came from they looked painful as heck. I glanced down at my arms. They were currently covered in material that Scott had found from the bedroom. The only reason why he put them onto me was because he didn't want me cutting anymore...It only made me want to cut more. I wanted to rip the fabric away from my arms, grab a knife from the kitchen and revel in the feeling of the blade splitting open my skin. I wanted to feel the sensation of blood running down my arm and staining my clothes...I wanted to feel that so badly! I pressed my nails to the cuts that were on my arm and started to scratch away at the scabs. I wanted to feel some sort of relief so badly. I felt like crying right now...I felt like bursting into tears. I knew I couldn't do that, though...I wasn't going to cry again! I had cried enough already? I felt a thin stream of blood start to run down my arm. Good. I was finally getting relief. As I scratched harder I started to think about Alex. I started to think about how I was unable to save him...His death was all my fault...All of my stupid fault! If I had never put him on top of that damned car then he wouldn't have gotten separated from me, fallen off from the car, and gotten killed by that stupid pole...Why did I think putting him on top of a car would he a good idea?!

I slowly walked up to the smashed window, still scratching at my wounds. I really wished that Scott knew what I was going through...He was a single child so he wouldn't know what having a brother or sister was like at all. I knew that I could still confide within him, as I knew that he would never mock or humiliate me in any sort of way. Yet at the same time I felt like I had nobody to talk to about my emotions after the loss of my brother. For starters, I had no idea if Cam had brothers or not. For all I know they might not even have parents! And, as I already knew, Scott was an only child. There was no way that he would know what it felt like to loose a sibling. I suddenly felt two arms wrap themselves around my waist. I froze up. How long had Scott been watching me do this? I let my arms go to my side and waited for his reaction. He moved around to the side of my body, took one look at my arms, and sighed loudly. I felt a blush rise up on my face. I was so embarrassed...I was so angry with myself. How could I let myself do this? How could I let myself feel this way again? Why couldn't have I just grown a spine and put my feelings to the back of my brain? I couldn't focus on my brother anymore. He was dead now...There was no point in thinking about him. The only thing that I did have to think about was the way that we were going to get out of this apartment and find some sort of relief team. Surely they had to be searching the waters now, right? I was about to step away from Scott when he grabbed hold of my hand, stood on the tips of his toes, and pressed my lips against mine.

When he pulled away he wrapped my arms up in the material again before walking over to Cam. Once Cam was awake he walked back over towards the window and peered out. Was he planning to leave now? Honestly, I was glad that was the case. I was so tired of being in this stupid apartment filled with memories of other people that were, most likely, deceased. I wanted to get out of here and find a relief team so badly. I wanted to go to someplace safe where all of my possible injuries would be healed. I felt as if I couldn't survive another day on this stupid water! I was starting to hate it...This storm is what killed my brother...I missed him so much. I knew that it would be impossible to forget about him! I fell to the floor and burst out crying. I didn't care if Cam or Scott thought that I was a baby for doing so. I really didn't care at all. All I cared about was going home! I wanted to go home so badly! Despite the fact that my foster parents hated me, I wanted to go home and fall asleep in my bed again. I wanted that more than anything right now.

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