Fun During The Floods

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*Slight Smut and nsfw ahead*

Scott's POV

Me and Porfirio laid down on the old, torn up floor of the random flat that we had crawled into. The only sound we could hear was the rain hitting the flooded world outside of us. We had found a bottle of spray paint in one of the kitchen draws and sprayed 'SOS' on the piece of scrap metal that was outside of this window so that if any helicopters flew overhead then we would be able to get saved. Staying in this random apartment was better than floating around outside. For starters, the water was still running in this place. Having your first glass of water after not having one in what felt like weeks was one of the best feelings in the world. And, as disgusting as it sounds, emptying your bladder after not being able to do so for an extended period of time was one of the best feelings in the world as well. I rolled over on my side and looked over at the person that I had hopelessly fallen in love with. Dried tears covered his face. His hands were clenched tightly. It looked like he was trying his best not to burst out into a fit of sobs. I didn't blame him at all for acting that way. His little brother, Alex, just died a morbid death and gore-filled death right in front of his eyes. As he was dying Porfirio sung until it actually happened. I found it hard not to cry myself when that happened. I placed my hand on his chest and shuffled slightly closer to him. He rolled his head onto its side and sniffed. A fresh, single tear rolled down the side of his face. He was really missing Alex, wasn't he? Ugh, I actually did miss Alex. He had a kind of bravery that I hadn't seen in any other child before. Nothing, not even abuse, seemed to faze that kid.

He leaned towards me, pressed a lips against my forehead and then rolled onto his side. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer towards him. I felt my face burning up. What was he planning on doing in this apartment? I heard a clap of thunder go off from outside. Dammit...The rain was only going to get even harder meaning that this flood was going to get even higher. Was it ever going to stop rising? He pressed his lips against mine again. This time it was a lot more...passionate than before. My face flushed an ever brighter shade of red. I could feel him lift up the hem of my shirt upwards. Was he thinking about doing what I thought he was thinking about doing..? Was now really the right time to be doing such things? I mean, what if a relief worker just walked in on us while we were like this? He pulled away for a second and smirked. My hairs on the back of my neck stood up on its end as he slid his cold hands underneath my shirt. In a weird way I still liked it though. He moved his head towards me, as if he was planning on giving me another kiss, when his eyes darted towards my neck. My body shuddered. Was he going to do what I think he was going to do? I stayed utterly still, waiting to see what was about to happen. He hesitated for a while before moving forward an inch. His eyes quickly darted back to make contact with my own. He was going to do the thing which I had in my mind. Was he asking for my permission to do it though? I quickly nodded. My heart started to pound. Would this hurt? Would this something that was painful? Or did it actually feel nice? He pressed his mouth to the side of my neck. My body reacted almost instantly. Everything...Every single part of my body turned a bright shade of red and started to feel boiling hot.

I felt a wet tugging sensation on the side of my neck. Strangely, it didn't feel that bad. It actually felt...nice. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth. Sure, it did hurt rather a lot, but it was a good kind of pain. It was the kind of pain that made you happy. Pleasurable pain. He tilted his head back, making the sensation go away. He paused for a second before placing his mouth against the end of my collar bone. A sharp pain shot through my entire arm. He was near my bad shoulder. I hissed out and jumped backwards, causing a small strip of my sunburned skin to be ripped away from my tender flesh. Porfirio lay on his side, looking at me with an utterly confused look on his face. I must've looked insane right now. I was flinching away from him when he was trying to do nice things to me. Sighing, I sat down next to him and shut my eyes. I was so embarrassed...I thought that staying in this flat would be a good way to relax but, as it turns out, it was only going to make things worse. Why couldn't we just use what we needed to use and get back out again? It didn't matter if we got wet! During this type of flood everybody was going to get wet at some point. You couldn't escape it. I heard another clap of thunder coming from outside. I hated thunderstorms...I really did hate them. I pulled my knees up to my chest and rested my head on top of them. My heart was starting to race in the exact same way it did when I was about to have a panic attack. I knew that this would happen eventually. I haven't taken my pills in almost two whole days! Panic started to rise up inside of me. This was going to be bad...Whenever I forgot to take my pills and I had an anxiety attack it always took me hours and hours to coax myself out of it again.

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