
196 5 7

Scott's POV

The sun belt down harshly onto mine and Cam's skin. Their skin had tanned slightly while mine was bright red, bleeding, and peeling. It was so painful. What made it worse is that I wasn't able to soak my sore skin in the water that surrounded us. The water was too dirty to actually do anything. Sure, it was nice and cold, yet the pieces of wood and rubble that would be floating along the strong undercurrent would only make my condition of peeling skin worse. It wasn't worth it at all. The only parts of my body that I dared to submerge in the water were my feet and ankles. They had already been cut up by random pieces of metal. My mouth was also unbearably dry. I couldn't use the water around me for the same reasons as before. It was too dirty. I knew that it would be contaminated with something that would only make me feel sicker than I was already. If I threw up it would only make me more dehydrated. I just hoped that the night would bring colder weather and pouring rain. I didn't care if it brought the sea levels up! All I wanted was to make my mouth not-dry and my body less painful to touch. I opened my eyes and stared up at the sun that was above my head. It seemed closer and redder than usual today. I found it crazy that the heat that was coming off from it was actually real. It was so unbearable. How many people had gotten sick from this weather already? Cam tapped me on the shoulder. I found it amazing that they didn't seem bothered by this weather at all. Then again they did come from an extremely hot country. This was probably the norm for them. I pulled myself up, the skin on the back of my neck peeling off as I did so, and looked over at them.

They held up a small, leather satchel. There had to be something that we could use in there, right? Cam opened it up, a small smile appearing on their face, as they pulled out an empty bottle of water. I audibly groaned. If only that thing was full...If only it was full! If it was full of water then maybe I would be able to find the strength to actually get up today. How long had it been since the sun rose? I had lost count of all the hours. I had lost count of the days that I had been stuck on this piece of mattress. How long has it been? Cam tapped me on the shoulder again. What did they want this time? I forced myself up into a sitting position again. The world around me suddenly span. I gripped to the rough sides of the mattress and squeezed my eyes shut. I felt myself falling forward. I forced my eyes open and opened my mouth to scream when I realised that I wasn't falling at all. I was in the same position as I was before. I groaned loudly and looked over at Cam. My vision blurred. I couldn't see them at all. They were just a fuzz. What was happening? Was I ill? Was I coming down with something? Maybe it had something to do with the fact that my head had been split open...I shut my eyes tightly, pressed my hands against the piece of cloth that was over my wound, and bit into my tongue. I could feel a burning sensation in the back of my throat. It was only a few seconds after that when I vomited. I had no idea where I vomited or how much I did so. When I tried to open my eyes I couldn't see a thing, and my entire body was numb from the burning that I had recieved. I felt like utter crap.

I could feel myself slipping off into a deep sleep. It was either that or death. To be honest I had no idea which one was better right now. Sleep meant that I felt no pain for a while but it didn't last forever. Most of the time, the pain would get worse after a nap as my body hasn't got the power to fight anything off, leaving whatever was in my system to attack everything. Yet, with death, I would never be able to wake up and get saved. I knew that I wouldn't be trapped on this thing forever. I knew that, at some point, somebody would come and save us. Both me and Cam would get taken into some sort of recovery hospital were all of the victims of this would be, get treated and then we would be able to spend time with our families again. Oh...I didn't know if I should let myself drift off or not! I felt Cam place something slightly cooling on my skin. I gritted my teeth and forced myself to open my eyes. It was so painful...My body was fighting against me doing anything underneath my own free will. When I did manage to open my left eye I saw that they were rubbing some sort of blue gel on my skin. I was confused. What the hell was that gel for? Why were they rubbing it on my skin? The blue gel, suddenly, changed to the colour yellow. It then changed to the colour red. Then orange. Then green. It flickered through the colours like a strobe light at a disco party. Wha...What the hell was going on? Was this really happening or was it all in my mind? What was going on right now? What was happening?

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