First Day At School

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Scott's POV 

It was finally time for Mitch's first day at his new school. Honestly, I was terrified. I had no idea what the people would do to him there. The school itself was pretty good, and the students we met during one of the 'open evenings' seemed amazing! They were so kind and caring to both us and Mitch! One of the good things was that they also captured towards students who were selective mutes which seemed like a good thing. They also had a very strict anti-bullying policy that ran throughout all of the grades here. That was another good thing about this place. Something was telling me that, somehow, something bad was going to happen. There was bound to be somebody who managed to slip past the rules they had here and manage to get themselves underneath his skin. I knew it...I just knew it! It happened in every single school known to man, no matter how strict it was. I felt sick thinking about him getting harassed in that place. I just wanted him to be as happy as possible. He honestly deserved to be happy. After the crap that he's been through over the last years of his life, he deserved to go to a place for most of his day that made him feel like he was safe, as well as happy. I wished I had the time to home-educate him yet...yet I wasn't that smart, and I also slept for most of the day as I had to work the night shift at the Attraction again. Which, as always, wasn't fun. Now that the main animatronic was locked away in the room for the entire night, all you had to do was watch the ventilation system. That was it. There wasn't even any point in the camera systems. 

What made it worse was that I was alone. Rio now had the day shift, meaning that we rarely saw each other. I would come home at six, put the coffee machine on its 'slow mode' so that nobody had to wait years and years to drink their coffee in the morning, prepare whatever I needed to prepare for that day, and go back to bed. The moment that my head hit the pillow, Rio got up to start his day. When he came home, it was time for me to leave, so I had a feeling that the only time that we would be able to see each other was this Sunday. It was the only time of the week when the Attraction was closed. The only way we would see each other during the working week is if he came home just after midday. That was normally the time that I got up. Sure, it meant that I only got around five or six hours of sleep per night, but at least I was still sleeping. It was better than becoming an insomniac zombie.I flopped down onto my bed, my body aching and tired from the long, seemingly endless night shift, and pulled the covers over me. I couldn't fall asleep, even though I felt like I couldn't move a muscle. I was so worried about Mitch. If something happened today, I wouldn't know. He probably wouldn't tell me if he got called names or if he got abused! None of us would ever know! Well, at least he was starting at the start of the school year. Sure, he wasn't in the seventh grade like everybody else, he was in the eighth. It meant that he would probably be singled out, as most people had already made their friends, but maybe he could pair up with the younger kids? Would that be possible? I didn't know...I just wanted him to be safe. That was all I wanted right now. 

I felt fingers run through my hair. Was Rio awake already? I rolled over onto my side, shuffled closer towards him, and pressed my neck into the crook of his neck. He wrapped his arm around my body so that his hand was resting against my waist. I was so relaxed. If only it were a Sunday morning. If only we had nothing to do today. If that was the case, then I would've happily stayed in this position for the entire morning. It was so relaxing. I looked up at the small window that was on our wall. It was only around seven in the morning, so hardly any light was seeping through it. There was a sudden buzzing sound coming from the other room. Mitch's alarm. It was time for him to get up...Great. It was time for the torment that he was possibly going to receive to start. Well, I say possibly...I had a horrible feeling that it would happen. I hated admitting it, but I knew that kids could be horrible to those who weren't perfect in every single way, shape, and form. I knew that, at some point while he was at this school, he was going to get harassed. I wasn't looking forward to it one single bit. I didn't want him coming home after an awful day at school and feeling like he couldn't talk to anybody about it. I didn't want that! I wanted him to feel like he could tell me anything. Rio slowly pulled away from me, got out of bed, and walked out of the room, leaving me alone. The next time I would see him would be in the few minutes that we swapped shifts. I just wanted to be with him so badly...That was all I wanted! I wished I could find another place to work at that actually had proper shifts rather than crappy, night ones.

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