Phi Iota Chi

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"Miss Vogel you do realize if you do not start to take these classes seriously you will be put on Academic Probation and probably forced to leave the Education department right?" The words coming out of my academic advisors mouth hit like a ton of bricks.

Or so she thought.

Sniffling i put my head in my hands before looking back up at her "Dr. Walsh, I am so sorry it's just been a lot this semester with everything going on in my family it's just been too much this semester" I cry wiping my tears "I promise I will do everything to get my grades up" I notice her start to make that pity face, meaning she's buying everything that I am saying. She sighs and takes off her glasses with lenses that are ten times the size of her whole face "Julianna, I am so sorry you are going through this, let me talk to some of your professors and hopefully they will by you some time to turn in assignments to help you pass the classes ok?" she says as I nod quickly "yes that would be amazing" I say wiping more tears before getting up and walking out of her office with the biggest smile on my face.

The moment I am out of the building I call my best friend and roommate, Ella, walking to the nearest dining area to get some food. "You did it again didn't you Jules?" was the first thing asks me when picking up "you already know it" I laugh then walk into the chick-fil-a we have on campus putting in my order and Ella's order knowing she'll want some when I get back and stepping off to the side "she said she'll email some professors for me to see if i can make up some work, I can't believe she bought it again" I say sitting at the nearest table "Jules I love you but you can't keep doing this you're going to end getting in a lot of trouble" she says and I know she's right, she is almost always right and I absolutely hate it, I shouldn't but I can't help it I need to pass these last few classes before my practicum. I just roll my eyes hearing my name called getting up to get the bags and drinks "Oh well I will see you in a bit" I say hanging up walking to my car and getting in.

Let me give you guys a little bit of a background story, Hi I'm Julianna and I am currently a Junior at Louisiana State University where I am studying Early Childhood Education. I am a bit of a party animal but that all comes with being in a sorority right? My sorority is Phi Iota Chi also known as the Pixies! Pixies is where I met my best friend and roomie Ella, she is a Junior Secondary Education Major.

As I was saying though, I am a partier. I love going to parties being out on weekends, of course starting with Thursdays, so I end up missing classes because I honestly would rather be partying then going to classes. I soon pull up to our house getting all my stuff but the moment I step out of the car a football goes flying past my head making me stop in my tracks then look at the direction it came from. Joe Burrow. I give him a look before slamming my car door shut and storming into our house.

After unlocking the front door and shutting it I yell "Honey I'm home!" before walking into the kitchen and placing my stuff down and walking to the table to eat the food. I sit down just as Ella comes in and I look at her "I just almost got taken out by a football and guess who from?" she pretends to think "Let me guess Tom Brady?" she says sarcastically "Haha very funny! But very close Joe Burrow" I say taking out my chicken sandwich and fries "How did we end up so lucky to live next to the football house?" I ask taking a bite of my sandwich as she sits down with her food "Because it was the only house to allow just two people to live in because you didn't want to live in an apartment" she says taking a sip of her pepsi.

Both mine and Ella's phone goes off signaling that we got a message in a group chat.

Hey sisters! Football house is having a party! they will be having juice there but you can also BYOB!

After reading that me and Ella look at each other "Jules no you need to stay home and do your schoolwork that you're behind on" she says not liking the idea I have. I shake my head finishing my food standing up "So? I will do it tomorrow! Come on El!" I say already walking towards my room. I decide to take a shower beforehand and make it an everything shower, you never know what could happen in the night, turning on my speaker playing my college playlist.

Once I am done I decide to start on my hair so it's out of the way by blow drying it and curling it slightly so it looks like loose waves. Once that is done I walk into my room deciding on what to wear. I do have a lot of party clothes but the decision on if I should go casual, cute, or a bit slutty is always the sharpest part of getting ready. I decide to do a mix of cute and slutty grabbing a top that is a spaghetti strap crop top and a pair of my ripped jeans that's high waisted deciding that should be good. Once that's all on I walk to my vanity putting on light makeup.

I don't like wearing a lot especially when going out because one that's too much work and two sometimes i forget to take my makeup off before bed if I am absolutely blacked out so it just makes things easier. I decide on a moisturizer, mascara, and blush simple but cute. Once that's on i finish with a lip oil and throw on my beat up air forces that I wear strictly for parties. I take one last look in the mirror deciding that should be good and put on deodorant and perfume and walk out to Ella in pretty much the same as me except her top is long sleeve and slightly more cropped then mine "Well don't you look like a snack babes" I say heading to the fridge grabbing a twisted tea to start pregaming. She looks up from her phone at me "I could say the same about you girl" she goes to the fridge grabbing a twisted tea as well and we cheers "To the football house"

-at the party-

Since we live right next door to the house we can leave at anytime and still be on time. We decided to head over about 5 minutes before it actually start to make sure we get the juice before anyone else does. Once we make it to the back door we notice some of the players standing there, Jamar Chase, Justin Jefferson, and Nick Bosa (yes i know he didn't go to LSU just pretend for the story). "Well look at you ladies" Nick says checking us out, he is a well known flirt and I may have slept with him before, making me roll my eyes and almost gag "Nick" I say as we walk in noticing other girls from the Pixies are there which we say hi to as we walk over to the juice.

I hand Ella a cup while grabbing my own and getting some of the drink "Hey Julianna right?" I hear from next to me making me look over seeing it's Joe. I nod "that would be me" he nods taking a sip of his water "I wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier" meaning when he almost pelted me with the football "Eh it's alright just lucky it didn't actually hit me" I said smirking at him walking away to Ella and the other girls. The one girl Tess, probably the bitchiest out of the Pixies, was looking at me almost glaring. Seriously if looks could kill I would have dropped dead right then and there "Julianna how do you know Joe?" she asks with her fake nice tone "Well me and Ella live next door and he almost hit me with a football earlier" I say taking a sip of my drink "Gotcha so you're not like talking to him or anything?" she asks smirking as I shake my head no and look at Ella and the other girls "Who wants to go downstairs and dance?" to which they all nod and we all head downstairs to the basement and stand in the middle and start dancing.

The DJ starts to play All Night Longer by Sammy Adams, which just so happens to be my jam, making me look at Ella and go absolutely crazy. As we're dancing Jamar and Nick both come up joining us making Ella dance with Jamar and me dance with Nick. As we're dancing and feeling the beat of the music I can't but help to feel eyes on me causing me to look to my right and to my surprise it's Joe staring right at me and Nick looking almost jealous. Once he notices I caught him staring he turns to Justin and one of the other players and talks with them. I couldn't help but to think that's so weird? Why would Joe look so jealous? I just shake it off and continue to dance with Nick.


(A/N: Ah first chapter is done! I am so excited for this story! Also I don't know exactly how LSU does their parties, schooling, or anything so I am going based off of how all of that is done at my school!

What do we think of Julianna so far? I promise things are going to get interesting later on in the story I just wanted you guys to get a slight feel for some characters!

Love you all! Please vote and comment!)

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