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The past weeks sneaking around with Joe have been amazing. Almost a bit too amazing. Like you know something is going to happen but you just don't know when. I was currently laying on Joe's bed getting homework done when suddenly I got a phone call from Claire. Immediately I get worried. There's no way Tess could know about me and Joe still going on right? We've been super careful. I see Joe is asleep in his bed so I sneak out and answer "Hello?" "Hi Jules it's Claire I was wondering if you had a minute to talk?" she asks sounding happy so I am assuming Tess didn't say anything "Of course what's up?" I ask walking into the bathroom. "So here's the deal someone has told me that you had hooked up with my ex Dylan after me and him broke up is that true?" she asks making my eyes go wide and gulp "Claire you know I would never do that to you who said that?" I ask knowing the answer "Oh just a friend but I didn't want to think it was true but if you're saying you didn't I believe you" she says making me almost sigh out loud in relief "You do?" I ask "Of course Jules! You're one of my closest friends here and I know you would never do that" she says "Absolutely not" I say walking out of the bathroom finishing the call with her and then running into Joe's room.

I close the door and grab a pillow and whack him with it "Joe wake up!" He immediately wakes up "What? What happened?" he sits up looking at me as I start to pace "Someone knows about us and told Claire" I say running my hands through my hair "I don't know who would know because we have kept quiet" I say and begin to think "Oh my god..." I then realize and walk out and go to Nick's room and barge in "How much is Tess paying you??" I ask getting loud and angry and when I am angry I get ANGRY. Nick looks at me acting confused but I can see right through him "I don't know what you're talking about" he says looking at me "Oh bullshit Nick! You're the only one who knows about me and Joe being around each other and someone is telling Tess so who the fuck else would it be??" I almost yell as Joe walks in "Woah woah Jules calm down" he says standing in front of me "Me calm down??" I yell "He knows about us and is telling Tess do you not realize what's going to happen because this fucker can't keep his mouth shut?" I look at Nick at the end with pure venom in my eyes making Joe look at Nick "Is this true?" he asks and Nick shakes his head no so Joe looks at me "Look I don't know who's telling Tess but it wouldn't be Nick" he says and just then I catch Nick smirking so I know it's him "Who else would do it?" I look at Joe crossing my arms "Maybe it was Ella" he suggests making my jaw drop. I scoff and go and get my stuff.

Joe follows "Wait Jules where are you going?" he asks trying to get me to stop "You really think my best friend would be telling mine AND hers least favorite person in our sorority what's going on so she can tell Claire what happened and get me kicked out of my sorority AND the education department??" I look up at him "Be so fucking for real right now Joe" I say as I walk away and before I can make it to the stairs he grabs my arm "Jules stop" he says making me turn to him yanking my arm out of his grip "Me stop??" I yell and start to walk down the stairs before turning to Joe "Maybe we need to stop what we have" I say as he shakes his head no "No Jules we can figure this out" I look away "No we can't if you're going to take Nick's side over my own" I then walk out the door tearing up.

I walk into my house closing and locking the door crying and walk up to Ella. She stops what she's doing and looks at me "Oh honey I was told about the call" she says hugging me "Yeah and to make it worse I know who's telling Tess and Joe is taking his side over my own" I say hugging her back. She pulls away and looks at me "Who?" and then I give her a look "Who you think?" I say and sit on her bed "No what? Why would he do that?" and I just can't help but shrug. She sighs and looks at me "Well how about tonight to get this off your mind we go to a party remember Joe's friend Jamar?" she asks making me nod "Yeah why?" "Well he said one of his friends is having a frat party and that we can come along" she says and I just nod honestly I need some alcohol in my system "Yeah that may be good" I say getting up and walking to the door then stopping and turning to her.

"Wait Jamar? Why did he text you...OH MY GOD!" I start to ask then realize "You're talking to Jamar??" I ask smiling and she just nods with the biggest smile. I hug her "Ohhh I'm so happy for you El!" Out of all of Joe's friends Jamar was always my favorite he always makes sure to say hi to me when I see him and always keeps tabs so I am so happy him and Ella are talking. I soon pull away from the hug "Ok I am going to go get ready and then we'll pregame and then walk over which frat is it?" I ask walking to the door "TKE" she says which makes me even more excited because they're my favorite frat ever.

I take a quick shower not washing my hair and soon get out and walk into my room. As I look through my clothes my phone rings so I check and see it's Joe I just roll my eyes and decline it. I just can't talk to him tonight. After going through my closet I decide on a top that is super cropped and ties around my waist and a pair of jeans.

 After going through my closet I decide on a top that is super cropped and ties around my waist and a pair of jeans

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Once I have that on so go to my bathroom only putting on mascara and throw my hair into a bubble braid. Walking out I go to my room grabbing my phone to see Joe is blowing up my phone I just ignore it walking down to our kitchen. One thing I didn't think is if Jamar was coming Joe was most likely coming so seeing them in my kitchen threw me off. I just decide to ignore Joe grabbing my cup I use for drinking and grab the tequila. Ella soon walks in "Oh no tequila Jules?" she asks knowing when I drink tequila I am a bitch and make cause something I just nod and mix my tequila with a juice making it more tequila than anything and Ella just looks at me worried "Ok.." she says knowing I probably shouldn't but she won't stop me.

I take a sip of my drink when Joe tries talking to me "Jules..." he starts then I say looking at Jamar and Ella "You hear that? Must be a draft in here" I say shrugging. Both Jamar and Ella look at each other hating that we're like this. So when I said earlier that only Nick and Ella knew about me and Joe I lied, Jamar did too because he walked in on me and Joe making out in the kitchen. "Let's go I want to see my TKE boys" I say grabbing my phone and walking out. I decide not to bring extra drinks because I know the frat will have juice there. Before I make it to the door Joe stops me "Can we please talk?" he asks and I look at him "Ask me that after I had my drink" I say and walk out the door. As much as I don't want to I kind of feel bad for Joe because he doesn't know his friend is lying to him but it's the fact he thinks Ella would do it.

Little did I know we both were wrong about who was telling, and honestly it's someone we ALL least expected.

(A/N: Hey my lovely readers! I am so sorry for not updating at ALL yesterday! The last two days I day drank since being home for break!

Also I am so excited because I came home and found out my dad and stepmom got a puppy! She is so cute!

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