Meeting his parents

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I walked up to where my mom and his parents are and I smile once my mom sees me "Jules!" she says smiling pulling me into a hug I smile and hug her back. She pulls me to where Joe's parents are and his mom notices me first "Oh you must be Julianna, you are just as gorgeous as Joe said" she says making me smile and blush "He said that?" I ask and she nods pulling me into a hug. I then turn to his dad "Hello Mr. Burrow it's so nice to meet you" I say and he smiles giving me a hug as well "Please call me Jim" he says and I smile nodding.

We start to walk into the graduation "So Joe tells me you're an education major?" Robin asks and I nod "Yes I am an early childhood education major" I say smiling "That's amazing, I myself am a principal at a school in Ohio, so if you ever need a job I will hire you" she says making me smile and nod "I appreciate that so much!" I say smiling and she smiles back. We get to our seats and wait for Joe to graduate.

-After the ceremony because I do not have the energy for that-

We walked to where the graduates are looking for Joe and once I spot him and show his mom where he is. I let her and his dad go first smiling at how proud they are. He sees me while hugging them and smiles pulling away from his dad opening his arms at me. I cant stop the huge smile growing on my face walking up jumping into his arms wrapping mine around his neck and my legs around his waist "I'm so proud of you!" I say hugging him closer "Thank you" he says setting me to the ground carefully and I look up at him kissing him softly and then pull away "Let's see the degree baby!" I say laughing slightly stepping away as he holds it up "Awh look at you!" His mom says as we all look at it.

He must have seen my mom because he walks up "Hello Ms. Thompson" he says holding his hand out to her "Hello Joe! congratulations!" she says just pulling him into a hug kind of taking him off guard and then hugs her back "Thank you" he says and then slightly pulls away so we can all get pictures "Ok I'm starving can we go get food?" he asks and we all laugh and go to the restaurant. Once there we're all there talking "So Joe what's your plans now since you graduated?" my mom asks taking a sip of her water "Uh I am going into the NFL, I just got the first round pick" he says and my mom is kind of shocked "Wow that's amazing Joe" she says smiling "Do you have a team you specifically want to go to?" she asks "Not really I will be thankful to play for any team" he answers truthfully making my mom smile "Well, you've already got yourself a fan" she says.

During dinner everything was going so perfect and at one point Joe went to the bathroom and I looked at me my with a 'What do you think look' and she smiles "Robin, I don't know what you've done but you've raised yourself an amazing boy, he is amazing Jules I am so happy for you guys" she says making me smile more "Thank you" Robin says smiling "I can say the same about Julianna here, and I heard you did it alone?" she asks making my mom go silent a bit as Joe comes back asking me what happened then my mom speaks up "Uh yeah, I found out I was pregnant with Julianna at a very young age and her dad decided he wanted to keep up his party life leaving us two" my mom says making me smile slightly at her and then look at Robin. Robin smiles at us both "Well, I can tell that you have done an amazing job raising her and I can tell she loves our Joe so much" she says making me nod and smile "Oh I do, he is truly the love of my life" I say smiling at Joe. We eventually finished our meals and left once we are outside I turn to Joe "Babe, why don't you spend time with your family ok? We can hang out later on and hang out with Ella and Ja'Marr" I say making him look at me "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod. I kiss his cheek and then turn to his parents "It was so nice to meet you guys but I want you to be able to have some family time with him" I say giving them a hug "Jules, thank you and again call me when you are looking to apply to schools ok?" she asks making me smile and nod. 

-After Joe hangs out with his family because I don't feel like typing that out-

My mom had went back to her hotel while me and Ella got our living room together, we decided to throw a small party with me, her, Joe and Ja'Marr, putting up cute little decorations and having some drinks for everyone "I can't believe Joe graduated" Ella says making me nod "I know, and next year that will be us" I say smiling at the fact we are one step closer to finishing our goals. We were hanging up a banner when Ja'Marr walks in "He just got home and is getting into comfy clothes" he says looking at our work "Y'all better be doing this when we graduate" he says making us laugh "Oh we are going ALL out" Ella says making me nod. I step off the couch admiring our work "So cute! Joe is gonna love it!" I say then hearing a knock "Oh he's here!" I cheer running to the door opening it smiling at him wrapping my arms around him "There's our graduate!" I say making him laugh and wrap his arms around me.

I pull away slightly pecking his lips "Ok come on in" I say pulling him to the living room showing him what we did "Thanks guys" He says smiling "No need to thank us, this was Jules' ideas" Ella says making Ja'Marr nod. I smile as Joe looks at me and smile big at me "You're the best" he says pulling me into his arms making my smile grow "Alright now, lets celebrate!" I say running to grab everyone a drink. 

And that's exactly what we did!


(A/N: Oh boy! Am I so sorry for not updating this story like I have been meaning to! But I hope you guys love this cute update! I am planning to make some more drama chapters soon!

Love you all!)

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