A date? A date!

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After punching Tess it's like a wave of relief but I guess she had other plans because she tried to punch me again but I dodged it making her fall forward. Everyone starts to laugh at that when Joe and one of the other captains of the team walk up "Alright enough of the fight, Tess you have caused more problems in this house then Jules has so you are to leave this house and never step foot in it again" Joe says kicking her out making me smirk "Yeah and all Pixies, besides Ella, are not allowed in this house ever again so please leave" Ja'Marr says.

I turn to Tess and wave goodbye "Oh and Tess hope you like the restraining order you're about to get" I say with a wink as some of the freshman football players take her and the rest of the pixies out of the house. I turn to Joe and he immediately comes up to me "Are you ok? She didn't hit you right?" he asks getting concerned putting his hands on my cheeks making me smile at how cute he's being "Joe I am totally ok" I say and he smiles and pulls me into a hug.

That party was a couple of days ago and right now I am in the office with my academic advisor to talk about my grades. She pulls them up and is really shocked that I managed to pull of my grades up to between a A and a B "Wow Jules this is amazing! You are definitely on track to graduating now and can start to think about your practicum" she says turning to me smiling "Really? Omg yes!" I say sighing in relief. Me and her talk and we decide on where I should apply for my practicum and I am on my way out of the office where I run into Joe "Joe!" I say running up and he turns around "Hey Jules" he says and I just wrap my arms around his neck "Guess who just got to pick their practicum placement??" I ask and his eyes go wide "No way!" he says getting excited for me and gives me a hug "I am so proud of you Jules!" he says and I pull away slightly "Why don't me and you go out and celebrate?" he asks kind of shocking me "Like just me and you?" I ask and he nods making me smile "I would love that" I say with the biggest smile "Perfect I will pick you up ok?" he asks and I nod giving him a kiss on his cheek and "I'll see ya then" I say and walk out and try to act calm in front of him but the moment I am out of the building and in my car I squeal like a little school girl and drive to my apartment.

The moment I pull up and run in and to Ella to see her and Ja'Marr in her room "Ella!" I say walking in "Oh yes Jules please come in" she says rolling her eyes laughing at me "First of thank you, second off I got to pick my placement for my practicum" I start to say but she cuts me off my screaming "No wait really??" she asks and I smile and nod "Yes really!" I say and she jumps up and gives me the biggest hug "I'm so proud of you" I smile as she pulls away "What else?" she asks so happy "Joe said he wants to take me out to celebrate just me and him" I say and her and Ja'Marr's jaw drop. I look at them confused "Close your mouths you'll catch flies" I say laughing the Ella squeals "He asked you out on a date!" She says out loud "No he didn't it's just a dinner to celebrate my practicum placement" I say rolling my eyes at Ella. She looks at me then at Ja'Marr for help "Um Jules that is a date" he says making my eyes widen realizing they're right "Oh my god a date?" I ask sitting down taking it all in "A date" Ella says.

I haven't been on a date since my ex and let me tell you, the dates me and him went on weren't even dates. So of course I start to panic because this is my first real date "Oh my god" I say and look at Ella and she can see my worry "Jules, he is nothing like Nathan" she says reassuring me "Who's Nathan?" Ja'Marr asks confused and we look at him "Her ex who was just horrible to her and would take her on "dates" that were pretty much him and his friends hanging out and him treating her like shit" Ella says and Ja'Marr is so shocked and stand up and walks to me giving me a hug "I can promise you Joe is nothing like Nathan, and I'm not just saying that because he's my best friend, Jules he is crazy about you" he says making me tear up and hug Ja'Marr "I see what you mean when you said Ja'Marr gives the best hugs Ella" I say making us all laugh. I pull away wiping a tear that fell "Ok let me go and get ready then" I say and we all nod.

I decide since this is a special occasion this calls for Taylor Swift music and an everything shower. I play you are in love and smile thinking about Joe and get into the shower. About three songs later I am finished and am in my room doing my hair and makeup. I curl my hair when Joe calls me "Hello?" I say answering "Hey could I come by a bit earlier?" he asks making me concerned but of course I say "Yeah that's totally fine Ja'Marr is here too so" I hear him chuckle slightly "Ok I will be there in 5" he says and we say bye and hang up. I throw on a robe with half my make up done and hair in rollers going to Ella's room "Hey El, Joe is gonna come a bit earlier I don't know why but can you let him in?" I ask her and she nods "Yeah me and Ja'Marr will go downstairs so he has company" she says walking out "Nice hair" she says laughing making me laugh sarcastically. I walk back to my room and finish getting ready deciding on a cute orangy brown dress and nude heels.


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I knock on Jules door seeing Ella answer "Hey El" I say smiling "Hey Joe come on in, Jules is still getting ready" she says and I nod "I figured I wanted to come by early because Tess is now dating Nick so she's at the house" I say and sit down with Ja'Marr "No is she really? I thought she got kicked out of the house" Ella says confused. I nod "She did but now she's dating Nick she is allowed back in the house" I say and Ella shakes her head. We hear Jules call Ella's name and Ella runs up.


After getting into the dress and heels I yell down to Ella and she walks in "Woah hot mama, might have to take you on a date instead of Joe" she says making me laugh "So this looks good?" I ask and she nods adjusting my necklace for me "Perfect, also get this Tess is now dating Nick so she's allowed back in the football house" she says making my jaw drop "Seriously? Ha hope she's enjoying my sloppy seconds" I say and we laugh as I grab my purse and phone "Come on, plus Joe looks like a snack tonight" she says making me blush and walk down with her.

After carefully walking down the stairs I walk to Joe and Ella wasn't lying, well slightly because he looks more like a four course meal plus dessert right now. With his black button up that has the top three unbuttoned, black slacks, some dress shoes.

He looks up at me and looks stunned "Woah" he breathes out and I smile blushing "Can say the same about you" I say walking up closer

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He looks up at me and looks stunned "Woah" he breathes out and I smile blushing "Can say the same about you" I say walking up closer. "Ok can y'all stop eye fucking each other and go to the date" Ja'Marr says making us laugh "Yeah yeah" I say and we both start to walk to the door "Be safe, have fun, but not too much fun, and have her home at a reasonable hour" Ja'Marr says walking us to the door "Yes dad" I say jokingly laughing as we walk out and to his car. Once in his car he turns to me "You really look beautiful" he says making me blush more "Thank you" I say and lean over giving him a small kiss on the lips then sit back in my seat.

Off to the date we went.

(A/N: And we have another update! I hope you all love it!

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