Nick huh?

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I was eventually let out of the hospital. I haven't spoken to Joe or Ella, and yes both have come to visit but I wouldn't let them. I had to get a rental car because well ya know what happened to the one I had. When I walked out to it I noticed a note on the windshield and I looked at it

I told you to stay away from him! Now he's mine!
XOXO, Tess

Seeing that made my blood boil. I knew it was Tess who did it because someone's house who was near the scene of the accident had a camera and she caught the whole thing on tape. At first I wasn't going to press charges but after this I definitely am. Once getting into the car I called my mom explaining to her what happened and said to get the best lawyer she can because I was not messing around.

Pulling up to the house I noticed Tess's car in our drive way making me roll my eyes. I walked into the house and what I saw wasn't at all what I was expecting, Ella, Tess, Joe, and Ja'Marr all sitting in the kitchen laughing but when they saw me they stopped. Them being there didn't bother me it was Tess sitting on Joes lap that did "You're home Jules!" Ella says super happy running up to give me a hug but I backed away "Why is she here?" I ask and look at Ella "Well I am still friends with her" Ella said and I looked at Tess "I got your little note you left" I say holding it up "What note?" she asks playing dumb "This one" I say throwing it onto the table and start walking up the stairs but I turn to Tess then say "Hope you have a great lawyer because I am pressing chargers that it was you who caused the accident" I say and her face just drops and goes pale and I can't help but smirk and go up to my room.

I start to pack a bag because if they're here I don't want to be "Jules?" I hear from my doorway making me turn to see Joe standing there "I'm glad to see that you're ok" he says sounding sincere but I don't buy it "Really? That's a lot coming from someone who didn't believe me" I say crossing my arms "Also crazy seeing you all close to Tess after knowing everything that happened" I say biting my lip to not let the tears spill out "I know but I have to, she's making me" he says stepping closer but I just back away "No one is forcing you Joe, you can do things to make this stop but your not" I say turning to my bag and finish packing I walk down the stairs taking my phone out "Where you going?" Ella asks looking over at me "Somewhere that's not here" I say leaving calling Nick.

"Hello?" I hear once he answers "Hey can I stay with you?" I ask sniffling walking over to the football house "Of course is everything alright?" he asks genuinely concerned "I'll explain it all when I get there" I hang up and walk into the house and up to Nick's room but stop when I see Joe's door. I want to walk over to it but I stop and go to Nick. He pulls me into a hug instantly "Alright tell me everything"

-Later on-

After telling everything to Nick I had fallen asleep in his bed and woke up checking the time seeing three a.m. I sigh getting out of bed to go to the bathroom bud am stopped when I see Joe leaving his room at the same time. He looks up seeing me and I see the look on his face turn from shock to hurt "Nick huh?" he asks scoffing making me look at him "Tess huh?" I ask and he just looks at me.

What I do next I knew I was going to regret.

(A/N: Yall I am so sorry for not updating this story! I am even more sorry for how short this is but things are gonna get heated in the next chapter so I wanted to kind of build up the suspense for it!

Also I think I am going to work on another story! I know four stories what am I thinking? But I have an idea and I really want to get it out!

I hope you all love this chapter!)

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