At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #3

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Bingo of Our Own: Found Family

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The next morning, Stiles wakes up with his nose buried in Peter's neck and the wolf's arms wrapped around him. He huffs making the man grumble and then pulls away. Peter tightens his hold making Stiles laugh. "Dude. I have class. Let go."

"No," Peter grumbles, even as he loosens his hold enough for the amber eyed man to get up. "I'll get your shirt and you shower."

Stiles pouts. "You say that like I smell or something." His eyes widen and he subtly—not subtle at all—sniffs. "Oh. I kind of do."

This gets him an eye roll of epic proportions to which he responds by sticking out his tongue.

"Love you too dear!" Peter calls out after him as a now very red faced Stiles darts into the bathroom and shuts the door.

When he emerges bright eyed and smelling like rain, petrichor and lavender with an undercurrent of lightning and cinnamon, he eyes the clothes with a bemused look. "Peter?"

"Hm," the wolf hums. "Something wrong?"

Stiles startles and glances at his bed where the wolf has taken it upon himself to make himself at home. Not that Stiles minds although he won't admit that out loud. "I can't wear this." He holds up the tie. "Black is required."

"Is it?"


"Ah. Well, what can I say, Little Red?" he purrs as he comes up behind Stiles who has managed to get into his underwear, pants and shirt. "I think you should wear a little red."

"Hardy har har," Stiles retorts drily. "Someone is in a snarky mood this morning."

"Whatever do you mean darling boy? I am always in a snarky mood." Peter holds out a bag that smells divine. "Enjoy lunch. You'd better get going. Don't want to be late. Unless of course it's your turn since your twin was late yesterday."

Stiles glares at him without heat. "Fuck you dude."

Peter smirks. "That doesn't sound like begging and when you actually want to fuck and I want to fuck you, you'll be begging before I give in."

A crimson faced Stiles hurriedly grabs his things and bolts out the door. "Asshole," he swears under his breath.

Of course, Peter hears it. "Love you too!"

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When the alarm goes off Stuart curses and bolts back into the bedroom to turn it off. Unfortunately, he's not able to do so before said alarm wakes up his girlfriend. She glares at him with the most adorable pout that terrifies him at the same time. "Uh. Good morning, babe."

She frowns and then sighs, shaking her head. "Why weren't you in bed?" she asks softly. "Couldn't sleep?"

He blushes sheepishly. "Sort of? It's—I was—I mean—" He sighs. "Come see for yourself."

When they reach the room that he's claimed as office space her eyes widen. "Holy shit!" she exclaims, though her voice doesn't rise at all.

"Yeah. I couldn't let it go. I need to know and well..." he trails off, giving a one shoulder shrug.

"You researched," she finishes for him and smiles softly. "I want to hear everything, but you have to get ready." She punctuates this with a kiss to his cheek that he quickly turns to catch with his own lips.

For a few minutes she lets him before pulling back with a soft laugh. It makes him smile. "I love you."

Allison beams at him with dimples that are to die for. "I love you too handsome."

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