At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #4

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"Let me get this straight. You want me to leave here and go with you to meet a woman you claim I've met but just don't remember meeting because she has some vaguely important information to impart upon me?" Stiles states with an annoyed tone, his arms cross over his chest and his hip cocked to one side.

Spencer has mastered control, but it's being tested right now. However, he also knows this is important and has to fight to rein in the flashing his eyes want to do. "Yes."

Stiles narrows his eyes and pulls out his phone.

I'm going with SSA Spencer Reid to meet my Aunt Clarrissa. Text me in an hour to check in?

I turned on your GPS. So, I will track you just in case.

See? Creeperwolf. Wolf that is creepy.

Hush now, darling. I prefer wolf who wishes to keep Bambi alive. Now run along. I have business to attend to.

You'd better not be snooping.

I'm offended you'd think so little of me. I did that yesterday.


Yes, dear.

With an epic eye roll Stiles looks up at Spencer as he slips his phone back into his pocket. "Fine. Lead the way."

✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶

"It's like I'm suddenly second rate, Ally!" Stuart hollers as he paces. "Like what is up with this shit? Did I suddenly become lesser than simply because there's two of me? What even is my life?"

"Babe, sit down."


Allison pats the sofa next to her and he plops down with a grumble under his breath. Her fingers gently card through his hair and slowly he relaxes. "There aren't two of you. There is you, Stuart and there is him, Stiles. Just because you look alike doesn't mean you are the same person identical in every way."

"It's called identical twins for a reason," Stuart says.

"It's not called twins to the last detail. Your personalities are not identical." She gestures to one of the boards. "You love tech, and he is good at tech but he's not as good as you. He loves history and you are okay with certain eras, but he could out fact you easily. You love soccer. He loves lacrosse. You love comedy movies. He loves action movies. You're not identical, babe."

Stuart sniffs and glances at her. "Just wait until you see him. You might take that back. Who knows, you might even choose him instead just like—OW!!"

Allison glares at him as he rubs his arm where she smacked him with a pout on his face. "Don't be a dick. You're the one I love, you asshole." She stands up and turns away.

"Hey! Where are you going?" he asks, his voice soft and lined with worry.

Her expression softens and she sighs. "I have dinner with my dad. I'm already late but I wanted to let you talk this out."

Stuart groans. "Great. There is now yet another reason for Mr. Argent to hate me."

Her lips twitch. "He doesn't hate you. He just—"

"—doesn't think there's anyone who will ever be good enough for his Little Sparrow," he teases with a smile. "I know."

Brown curls bob as Allison giggles, shaking her head with a fond smile on her face. Then she pulls him up for a kiss. It's soft, gentle and loving. "Love you, Stu."

"Love you too, Little Dove."

With a grin matching Stuart's, Allison pulls away and grabs her bag. She steals another kiss and then gives him a fond look, eyes full of affection before she turns and heads to the door.

Stuart watches her leave, hears the door lock and then turns towards the office. With a deep breath he dives back into his research. The answers are here somewhere he's sure of it.

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