At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #10

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When Allison is nearly done with her revisions, Stuart pops his head into the office and smiles. "Hey, little dove."

She looks up and smiles tilting her lips up for a kiss. "Hey, little fox."

They kiss softly for a few minutes and then Stuart takes out her scrunchie and trails his fingers through her hair. She smiles when he peppers her face with kisses and lets him lead her into the kitchen. "What's all this?" she asks, surveying the spread of food.

"Oh! I made chicken alfredo, butter dips which are like garlic biscuits kinda like red lobster only without the cheese, and a Caesar salad." He chews his lip nervously. "Do you not like it?"

"Babe, I love it. I'm just surprised."

Stuart relaxes and smiles. "Oh. Good."

Allison tilts her head. "What's the occasion?" She takes a seat as her boyfriend starts plating things.

"No occasion. Not really."

"Uh huh. What happened?"

He sighs and hands her a plate, pouring her a glass of white wine to pair with it. "So, I hung out with Stiles today and I may have like opened up a whole fucking lot and told him things I never tell anyone ever."

Her expression softens in understanding. "Jasmine?"

"Yeah," he whispers. "That and about the dark years. It felt terrifying but the acceptance was something I didn't know how badly I needed until he gave it to me without hesitation."

"I'd like to meet him," she says as she takes a sip of the wine.

Stuart smiles. "I was hoping you'd say that. We're going to a movie this weekend, him and I. Then I asked if after that we could all hang out. I think maybe it could be a double date." He takes a seat with his own plate and a glass of red wine.

Allison tilts her head. "Double date. He has someone?"


"What's his or her name?"

"Peter. The guy is gorgeous, Ally. My brother did good."

She smiles, loving how happy her boyfriend is. "Well, I look forward to it. Just keep me updated on everything. I want to make sure I'm available."

Stuart nods and kisses her cheek. "Will do. So, after dinner, how about some Shirley Temple movies and a massage?"

Allison quirks a brow. "Who's giving and receiving said massage?"

"I was gonna give you one."

"Nope. I'm giving you one. Deal with it."

"I concede. That actually sounds amazing."

"You just love my fingers."

Stuart smirks. "Not as much as you love mine babe," he teases with a wink.

✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶

Stuart snags a shower and then joins his girlfriend in their bedroom. She's got the first movie cued up and gestures for him to lie down. He gets on his stomach, his arms folded, and rests his chin on them as she straddles his thighs. Then she plays the movie before starting with his lower back.

The moans he lets are soft and interspersed with sounds of relief. "Fuck!" he hisses when she gets to a really tight spot.

"Shh. Just relax babe."

"Trying," he grits out and then shudders when she gets the muscle to release and works the knot out.

"There we go. Got it out."

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