At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #26

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Peter can't shake the feeling that something is wrong, that something is going to happen and admitting such a thing to others has never been his strong suit. Peter is usually extremely reticent when it comes to revealing how he feels to anyone but himself. However, Stiles isn't just anyone else and the amber eyed man he promised to keep the wolf updated. He trusts his mate to do so and that makes all the difference.

Weirdly enough, as he steps outside, the sky begins to darken. The alpha wolf's brow furrows at the sudden change. He figures he should get going or he'll be late.

Allison is looking forward to spending some time with the SO of her boyfriend's brother. She and Peter haven't interacted as much one on one.

When he pulls up, she smiles and gets in the car. "Hello."

The man nods with a smile. "Hello. Are you ready?"

"Born ready. What about you?" she teases.

He sends her a smirk. "Same."

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If anyone had asked Peter whether or not he would attend a writing workshop he would have laughed and said: 'Absolutely not.' However, when Allison brought it up, knowing that Peter is an avid reader, he couldn't say no. Now that he's here he's actually really enjoying himself.

The woman leading the workshop smiles. "All right. Pencils down. Who wants to read their work first?" she asks, looking around the room. "How about you?" she says, pointing to Peter.

Peter swallows thickly and nods. "Sure."

Allison gives him an encouraging nudge as he stands. He clears his throat and looks down at his paper. With a deep breath he begins.

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"Definition. Define. Defined. I used to believe that the definition of happiness was having everything I wanted or at least making people believe I did. I used to believe that if I couldn't hold it in my hand, then it wasn't enough to keep me happy. I used to believe that I had to see it, touch it, hear it, smell it and taste it. If I couldn't do those things...I didn't include them in my definition of happiness.

"Meanings. Mean. Meant. I used to mean yes when I would say no. I used to mean no when I would say yes. I used to say I'm fine when I was anything but fine. I used to say I meant what I said and said what I meant. I used to apply meanings to things when they didn't mean anything. I used to believe that I could use a million words, and everyone would either comprehend their meaning or have no understanding at all. If they couldn't comprehend...I didn't have any intention of letting them mean anything to me.

"Understandings. Understand. Understood. I used to understand my thoughts. I used to understand my actions. I used to understand my feelings. I used to believe that what I thought mattered more than what anyone else did. I used to believe that my actions were always right. I used to believe that feelings were weakness. If such things were a weakness...I didn't give them any weight beyond furthering my desires.

"But then all those definitions, meaning and understandings, what I would define, mean and understand, how I defined, meant and understood...they changed. They changed the day I met him.

"No longer did I believe that the definition of happiness was having everything I ever wanted. Because everything I ever wanted was him. No longer did I care whether or not others believed I was happy. I still believe that I have to see, touch, hear, smell and taste my happiness.

"Every day I see the moment his eyes open, and the sunlight catches them making them shine like gold. Every day I see his lips curl up in a smile and his mouth open in a laugh. Every day I take his hand in mine and slide my hands under his shirt, just to feel his bare skin against them. Every day I take him apart piece by piece beneath the sheets and put him back together again. Every day I worship his body from head to toe, not an inch of him left unclaimed by my lips. My ears relish the honor of hearing the echoes of every single sound he makes. Every day I hold him in my arms, and I am content because I smell the scent of his shampoo, the sweat so uniquely him, the sweetness and saltiness of his breath after eating his favorite candy. Every day I unite our lips and as the petals dance together, joined by twisting tongues...I know true happiness.

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