At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #6

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"You and your brother were born Mieszko Gemini Gajos and Mikolaj Genim Gajos respectively. We nicknamed you Miko and Mika. Spencer did actually even though he was only four.

"When you were born, we immediately knew you were a spark. As soon as your brother was born, we knew he was as well and then came the most pressing issue. It was known that sparks, as rare as they are, would always be targets for hunters, supes and the like. Now add to that the fact that you were twin sparks? You were in danger. The plan was for you and Stuart to have your sparks in abeyance until you were reunited. However, it seems that the ritual the druid had you participate in, awoke your spark early.

"Because of this, Stuart's is still inactive, waiting to be ignited, while yours is not. This is why when you met during class, he was not ignited. This poses a problem. Stuart is not in the know and neither is Ally. This wasn't the plan, but it has thus far been the best course of action.

"The years after your birth were tough on your mother. I could no longer visit as I was raising your brother and my own son. We never told him and yet he knows he's not my son. There is a fine line we've had to walk that now with your presence we can afford to step to the side we've been working towards. With your help and support, we can ignite his spark.

"He won't take it well; we know this but truly his safety and yours was ensured and we don't regret it. I felt it when your mother died. It was as if a piece of my soul died as well. Your father never knew of what you and your brother are nor what Klaudiya was, but he did know there was another child. I do not know why you were not told. Perhaps he feared you'd come to me, but I cannot do anything other than guess as to his intentions.

"Spencer has always been extremely intelligent, and Stuart followed that like a puppy. It's why your brother chose the FBI. I believe you chose it because of your father. We knew you would meet, and I had to make sure you were all in one piece, physically, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually. After cleansing the traces left behind by the chaos demon, I can say for certain you are all in one piece. Especially now that you have your mate.

"From this day forth, things will change for you. We are lucky indeed, that the radicals, bigots and hell raisers are dealt with. You don't have to fear them or worry about anything. This is not Beacon Hills. Here there is blood family that will support you fully.

"I will teach you to use your spark and I will train you. You will find your senses heightened more, your agility improved, and your mind settled. Untrained magic will cause things like the signs of ADHD. You will now no longer display such symptoms.

"The only thing I ask of you is that you not reveal anything to your brother at this time. When—Not if—When he learns, it must be at the proper time. I believe only you can ignite his spark."

Stiles blinks slowly, his brain feeling heavy with all the information but then he straightens up. "He needs to know sooner rather than later." He's angry that he isn't allowed to tell Stuart about the supernatural yet. He's even angrier he hasn't already been told.

Klarysa is calm when she replies, "If you could live without the knowledge...would you go back into ignorance?"

He sets his jaw and shakes his head. "No. Those not in the know are in just as much danger if not more so. They don't know what to look out for."

Peter puffs his chest out in pride.

Spencer himself is impressed and Klarysa smiles softly.

"What?" Stiles snaps, uncertain all of a sudden. His resolve however doesn't waver.

Klarysa just shakes her head. "Your mother would be so proud of you."

Stiles blushes and tears up but refuses to let the tears fall. "Thanks. Now about Stuart..."

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