At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #16

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Stiles has no intention of going back to Beacon Hills ever again but that doesn't mean he's forgotten his dad and his best friends

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Stiles has no intention of going back to Beacon Hills ever again but that doesn't mean he's forgotten his dad and his best friends. He calls his dad every weekend and after a huge argument the first time he called since learning about his twin during which they hashed things out...things got better.

Stuart calls their dad about once a month or every other month. Stiles thinks it's inevitable that their dad will fly out to see them over Christmas at the end of the year. He's just glad that they're talking and doing okay. The older twin wasn't sure how that would go for his brother and their dad. Over the course of the past three years, Stiles has let go of most of his anger and feelings of betrayal that were a result of what his dad did.

He may not be willing to visit Beacon Hills, but his dad is welcome to come to see him and Peter. That conversation was a whole other deal, but it was important for them to have that conversation and it's a nonnegotiable fact that they are forever.

Today he texted his dad to let him know he won't be calling until the following day because he has a skype call set up with his friends.

"Dude!" Stiles snickers. "That scarf is fucking ridiculous."

Isaac scoffs, mock offended. "Can it, Bambi! You're just jealous."

Jackson pops his head into frame and smirks. "Totally jealous. Tell him."

Stiles rolls his eyes and rests his chin on his hand. "Yeah, totally jealous. I mean why wouldn't I be jealous of a neon orange and purple scarf?" he says seriously, nodding sagely.

All of them burst into laughter, unable to keep a straight face anymore.

"We miss you, Bambi," Isaac says quietly as their laughter dies down.

"Yeah?" Stiles says. "You miss this annoying thing right here?" He gestures to himself. "You might need to get checked out there, Fizzy."

Isaac frowns. "I'm being serious and don't call me Fizzy!" he whines. "It was one time."

Jackson snickers. "Yeah but once was enough. Come on. The Dr. Pepper came out your nose and the first thing you said was—"

"I'm feeling a little fizzy and dizzy," Stiles says, cutting in with a teasing smile. "Thus we have dubbed you Fizzy!" he crows.

"Whatever," the curly haired man grumbles. "When are you coming home?"

At this question both friends stare at Stiles with pleading looks. He blushes and clears his throat. "A-Actually about that. You see..."

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After he finishes explaining, the two blondes exchange a look and then nod. "We'll be there," Jackson assures him.

"Really?" Stiles asks. "You mean it?" He bites his lip.

Isaac smiles. "Course! We wouldn't miss it. Just tell us a date."

Stiles grins. "July 31st."

Jackson types on his phone and there's a swishing sound as he grins. "Done."

"What's done?" Isaac asks.

"Tickets. Now we just have to book a hotel and we're set." He blushes when Isaac smiles and kisses his cheek.

Stiles can't help how his heart swells as he watches his friends start teasing each other. He misses them terribly and is glad they're coming to see him. He glances at the calendar.

The door to Stiles's apartment opens and he turns his head. "Hey, Stu!"

Stuart looks up, adjusting his glasses and smiles. "Hey." His eyes fall on the computer, and he quirks a brow. "Who are you talking to?" he asks.

Stiles notices that his friends have gone silent and quickly glances at them. They're gaping and he blushes as he gets up to grab his brother. "Stuart, these are my best friends, Isaac and Jackson. Jacks? Izzy? This is my brother Stuart."

"Twin brother," Stuart clarifies with a nervous smile. "Hey." He gives an awkward wave.

Jackson blinks and looks from one twin to the other several times. Isaac is still gaping. Stiles is just glad that they're not here in person. The weres would probably have a whole scent thing going on if they were.

Finally, Isaac speaks. "Woah."

"Holy guacamole and cheese," Jackson says. "That's like freaky as fuck but also cool as hell."

The twins exchange a look and smile before looking back at the screen, Stuart speaking up. "So tell me more about my brother."


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