At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #30

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It's nearly ten o'clock at night when they finally make their way out of the cabin. Stuart looks around in awe at the galaxy of stars shining brightly above them. With a mere thought, he moves the cloud blocking the moon from shining brighter.

Stiles chuckles as the grass twines around their ankles and the trees sway in welcome. They hear the chitters of their foxes, the scurrying of smaller animals, the babbling of a brook, and the swishing of the leaves as they are caressed by a crisp cool breeze.

The cabin always seems so out of step with the rest of the world. The trip to and from it seems to take a long time and yet no time at all.

They soon emerge from the thick forest and Stiles makes to head toward the house only to stumble when Stuart yanks his arm to hold him back.

"Stu?" he says. "What are you—"

"It's a fucking wolf!" Stuart exclaims, pointing at a large—an extremely large—black wolf. "Right there."

Stiles turns to look and instead of fear on his face, Stuart watches a fond smile form. "Witaj kochanie. Nic mi nie jest, mój Peterze Wolfie." His voice is soft and full of reassurance as his fingers thread through the wolf's ink black fur.

Stuart blinks several times, unsure if he heard that correctly. "Stiles wha—" he cuts off when, between one breath and the next, the wolf has fluidly shifted, now replaced by a naked man. "Holy fuck!"

Peter smirks and gives Stiles a heated look before said man magics a pair of sweatpants on him. He pouts and then looks at Stuart. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Stiles throws his arms around Peter's neck and buries his nose in the crook of the man's throat. "I didn't tell him about you yet," he whispers, rubbing his cheek all over the wolf's neck to scent him and in turn scent himself.

"Ah. I see," Peter says, his eyes flickering their crimson red. He very much appreciates what Stiles is doing but doesn't think his mate would be thrilled for Peter to get a boner right now. Especially not in front of Stuart—"Shit!" he groans when Stiles mouths at his mating mark. Well then, Peter decides he can't be held responsible for the way his body reacts to what Stiles is doing. "Sweetheart?" Peter chokes out.

Stiles hums in acknowledgement and after another harsh bite to the mark, takes a step back. Peter doesn't let him go far, instead wrapping his arms around Stiles's waist and pulling him close. Now the spark's back is flush with the wolf's chest and Peter can rest his chin on his mate's shoulder while he talks to Stuart. "I am an alpha werewolf."

"A what?!" Stuart says. "Wait." he gapes as his brain puts the pieces together. He doesn't know why it took him so long to comprehend that the wolf and Peter are one and the same. "I—"


Stuart whips his head in the direction of his name and feels his heart bursting as he opens his arms, letting out an 'oomph' as Allison's body collides with his own. "Ally," he whispers, the emotion rising up again, and tears leaking out of his eyes once more.

She pulls back and cups his face, searching for something. "Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong?" She fires each question off quickly but doesn't let him answer as she kisses him repeatedly. "You're okay," she whispers.

"I'm okay. I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm okay. I promise."

She covers her face with her hands and buries her face against his chest. "I was scared. You were scared. You're okay."

He wraps his arms tightly around her and kisses the top of her head. "You're okay. I'm here. I'm okay."

Stiles smiles at his brother and glances up and back at Peter who captures his lips, their bond singing with passion.

When Allison relaxes and laces her fingers with Stuart's, they all share a silent look of inquiry. When the silence breaks, it is Allison who breaks it. "So...alpha werewolf huh?"

Stuart's eyes widen and he looks at his twin, then at Peter with a panicked expression. Peter and Stiles don't look worried, which relaxes Stuart some, but before anything more can be said, their attention is pulled to the back porch of the house.

"Come inside!" Aunt Klarysa calls out, and though she doesn't raise her voice, they can all hear her clearly. "Much to discuss and it's late. Come eat. Come have tea. We have time."

The group of four—an alpha werewolf, a human and two sparks—exchange a look as the older woman turns and heads back inside. Stiles can feel the tentative pack bonds forming with his brother and with Allison. Still holding Peter's hand, Stiles takes Stuart's and pulls.

They fall into step easily and make their way up to the house with smiles on their faces. Settling into the living room, sprawled out on the various furniture pieces they go over everything from the beginning.

Allison reveals her mother's name and Peter freezes in shock.

"Wait," Stiles says. "Your mother's name is Talia Hale?"

She bites her lip and nods. "Y-Yes. Why?"

Stiles places his hand gently on Peter's arm which grounds the wolf in the present as he had begun to get lost in the past. "Talia was my sister." The wolf's voice is thick with emotion and scratchy. "Guess that makes me your uncle."

Allison's eyes widen but her surprise quickly morphs into a whirlwind of emotions as she reaches for his hand. Peter takes her hand in his and with a gasp the pack bond snaps into place with both her and Stuart.

Stiles and Stuart's eyes glow brightly. Allison sucks in a sharp breath at the crimson, turquoise and amethyst orbs in front of her. There's a soft sound to her left as she lets go of the alpha's hand and she turns to see a cat watching her. "Hello."


She giggles and pets the cat, smiling widely when it arcs into her hand with each pass.

Stiles snickers, Stuart joining him a moment later and Allison looks at the twins bemused. "What's funny?" she asks.

The twins are laughing too hard to answer and so with a fondly exasperated eye roll Peter replies, "That's Spencer. He, like me, has a full shift."

Allison snaps her head to look at the cat who blinks back innocently at her before darting off and coming back a few minutes later only in human form this time. "You guys suck," Spencer says with a pout. "I was enjoying the pets."

Stiles snickers and elbows Stuart. "Told ya."

Stuart nods with a giggle. "You sure did."

✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶

It's way past midnight when they struggle to keep their eyes open and Klarysa waves them off when they attempt to get up and leave. None of them argue with her on it too tired to put up much of a fight. Peter shifts and curls around his mate in the center of a large four poster bed. Allison and Stuart join them, not wanting to be away when their bonds are still new. Lili curls around Stiles's front, her nose pressed against his navel. Stuart is curled around Allison, his chest to her back, with his arms around her waist. Fio curls around Allison's front, her nose pressed against Allison's navel.

The beating hearts surrounding them are strong in their rhythm and Peter's chest puffs out, preening at the strength of his small pack. He can hear two heartbeats elsewhere in the house and eightHe stills glancing at his mate and then at Allison with wide eyes.

His chest rumbles with a pleased growl, his eyes glowing alpha crimson red. There are eight heartbeats. One alpha wolf. One human. Two sparks. Two fox familiars and two smaller heartbeats though they are beating just as strong as the rest. When Peter comes to this realization, the positions of the familiars make perfect sense. It looks like his mate and his niece are expecting. It satisfies a primal instinct, and he lets the knowledge pull him into sleep with the rest of his pack.

✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶

Polish Translations:

Witaj kochanie. Nic mi nie jest, mój Peterze Wolfie.Hello, my love. I'm fine, my Peter Wolf.

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