At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #22

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Nothing is different about this morning or had been different the night before. Stiles feels a little off but when Peter checks in with him, there isn't anything off enough to really do anything about. So, without worrying about it too much, Stiles leaves with a toe curling kiss and picks up his brother.

They go over a few case files for a couple hours and then around one in the afternoon, they join Amaya and Amara, childhood best friends, for lunch. The atmosphere is lighthearted, and they are all bright eyed. They're all excited. They have worked hard and now is their chance.

Around two in the afternoon, Stiles is going over a few details in a case that stood out to him, while Stuart talks with Spencer. Spencer has to leave and meet with another unit, so Stuart sits at his desk. For the next hour, it's quiet and it's nice in Stiles's opinion. His brain is calm, and he can focus.

At 3:30 pm on the dot, Rossi's office door opens, and his expression is displeased. Something happened but Stiles doesn't know what. Stiles is not a fan of unhappy Rossi at all. He's not a bad guy or anything. Rossi is firm and strict, but he makes a good leader. He is one of Stiles's favorite people on the team, but Stiles prefers it when Rossi is in a good mood.

"Agent Gajos!" Rossi calls out from the doorway of his office.

Stuart turns but when Stiles doesn't also turn at the address his brow furrows in confusion. "Psst! Stiles? Bro? That could be you too."

Stiles glances up from his laptop and winces, idly thumbing his ring. Shit. He thought he'd have more time. "A-Actually Stu—"

"Agent Hale! Something you'd like to share?"

Stuart freezes and stares at his twin. "H-Hale? As in—"

"Yes. Hale. Peter." Stiles slowly brings his left hand into view which seems to set Stuart off.

"What the fuck Stiles?!" Stuart hisses, his eyes narrowing to slits. "You got fucking married and didn't fucking tell me?! Does your dad know? Does Spence know?"

"Our dad," Stiles corrects automatically.

The glare he gets from his twin, tells him that's not really what's important right now but Stiles can't help it.

"Fine!" Stuart snaps. "Does our dad know?"

"Stu, I was gonna tell you guys but then—I mean—You gotta believe me," he replies quietly, his eyes watering as he pleads. He looks at his twin. "I-I'm sorry, Stu. Please don't be mad," he whispers.

Stuart shakes his head and rubs his temples. "Whatever. Rossi wants to see me."

Stiles sucks in a harsh breath not wanting to let his twin walk away angry. "Come to dinner? You and Spence can come, and we can eat. You can bring Allison and Spencer can bring Genevieve. I'm sure Peter would be thrilled. We both would."

"Oh really. Now you're telling me what I can do? Great. Lovely. I'm so glad. You're probably right. Peter would probably be thrilled but you both hid this." He stands with barely concealed anger. "You promised."

"I-I know b-but Stu—"

"No." Stuart shakes his head. "You know what? I'm gonna pass. I don't want to deprive you of your husband's full focus," Stuart snaps, before turning and walking into Rossi's office, shutting the door behind him.

"Fuck!" Stiles mutters, trying not to let the devastation of his twin's reaction show on his face, as a lump of emotion lodges in his throat. His hands are shaking as he grabs his phone and darts out into the hall. His favorite place is the skywalk. There's a small alcove where he can sit and it's where he goes now. He's relieved when the call connects quickly.

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