At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #13

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Stuart gets to know Peter better and they quickly discover they both adore museums and history although Stuart isn't the best at recollection. Their first stop is the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. It's intense and both men realize their SOs probably couldn't handle it. Stiles wouldn't because of the Nogitsune's torture—though of course, Peter doesn't say as much—and Allison because of her mother. They have a really good experience though, and learn a lot. They follow that up with a trip to the Smithsonian. Souvenirs are grabbed from both museums for themselves and their SOs.

"So how long have you known Stiles?" Stuart asks as they munch on some cheesy beef nachos.

Peter licks his lips and swallows. "Well let's see. I'm twenty five—twenty six in May—and we met when I was eighteen. Yes. So going on about seven or eight years."

Stuart gapes. "Really? You're only just dating now though." His brow furrows in confusion.

"Ah." The wolf clears his throat. "Well, you see, Sheriff Stilinski—your and Stiles's father—was really strict. Not to mention, by the time he was eighteen I was twenty three, and away at college. Not far but enough that it would've been really hard. Not to mention there were other factors in play that aren't my place to say."

"So, uh when did you officially start dating?" Stuart asks and then blushes. "If you want to tell me I mean."

Peter chuckles. "I don't mind. Essentially, we've had feelings for each other for a very long time. Probably longer than appropriate but eh. Anyway, we actually officially put a name to it the first week he was at the academy."

"Are you serious?" Stuart squeaks. "That's only like a few months."

"Indeed, but I believe knowing each other as long as we have, it really was only a matter of time for us. We know each other extremely well and all that established foundation has made for a lasting relationship."

The younger twin smiles. "I'm happy for you guys."

"Thank you, Stuart. Now, tell me about you and Allison."

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Stiles gets to know Allison easily enough and realizes his nerves were mostly exaggerated. She discovers his book in the bookstore she frequents as an avid reader and an editor. She immediately buys it and gobbles it up with eagerness. When she tells him as much, he is humbled but also blushing, not used to compliments that aren't from Peter. Even then he's never really fully comfortable accepting them.

It's an easy answer of yes when she asks him to sign the book and they get to talking about genres.

"I'm pretty easy to please," Allison explains before taking a sip of her coffee. They've taken a table at the coffee shop in the bookstore itself. "I'll read almost anything."

Stiles quirks a brow. "Almost anything?" he teases.

Allison snorts. "Oh, all right. I won't read erotica but if Stu reads it to me, I'm game. I won't read horror." She shudders and clears her throat. "I've had enough of my own real life horror."

"Me too," Stiles says softly, and they exchange commiserating smiles full of understanding.

"What about you? What genres do you like?" she asks.

Stiles hums. "Mm. Crime. Mystery. Thrillers especially psychological thrillers and some fantasy and dystopian as well."

Allison grins. "What's your favorite psychological thriller?"

"That's easy. I like couldn't put Red Sparrow down. Have you read it?"

"Oh my god. Hell, yes, I've read it. I've seen the movie too."

"Movie?!" Stiles exclaims. "There's a movie."

The brunette gapes at him. "You—I—Wha—Yes! Oh my god!!! We're going to watch it."

"We are?"



Allison grabs their things and hauls him up. "Now."

Suffice it to say, they both are engrossed in the movie within minutes, leaning forward in their seats. The popcorn is barely touched, their drinks are now room temperature and while each of them holds the blanket they're sharing with one hand they grip each other's free hand so tight their knuckles turn white.

By the time the movie ends they are speechless. Then Stiles turns to look at Allison. "You could so be a sparrow."

"I was going to say that about you if they allowed men to do so," she says, glancing at him.

Stiles smiles and squeezes her hand before letting go, the two of them flexing their stiff fingers. "Well now what?" he asks.

Allison grins–Stuart is so right about the princess dimples–and gestures to the bookcase. "We can read or put on another movie. What would you prefer?"

"Hmm." Stiles's gaze falls on the movies and he gasps, grabbing one. "Oh, hell yeah. This one!" he exclaims and shows it to her.

Her face lights up and she nods excitedly. "One of my favorites."

They settle in for another movie. This time they watch Lucy.

✶ 🔎 ❤︎ 🔍 ✶

When the two men—Peter and Stuart—get back from the museum, they find Allison and Stiles curled up on the couch in Allison and Stuart's apartment. Allison has put some light makeup on Stiles consisting of lip gloss, eyes shadow, and mascara. They realize Allison's feet are on Stiles's lap because said man is currently painting her toenails.

Stuart gapes at the sight because he doesn't like the makeup thing, but Stiles seems too. Allison is thrilled by this development.

Peter has to hold in a growl at the sight of his beautiful mate. Amber eyes meet his and the wolf sees the spark smirk, a smug satisfaction seeping into his scent. Well then.

They all pile on the couch in a tangle of limbs. Peter sits on the right side with Stiles's head in his lap. Stuart curls around Allison whose legs are tangled with Stiles's legs. Popcorn is popped and steaming hot, ready to gorge on. They have cold drinks and of course Reese's. Stuart and Allison pull on pajamas–Stuart in a black t-shirt and blue sweats, Allison in a white tank top and pink shorts–while Peter and Stiles remain in what they put on that morning.

They put on the movie Nerve and by the end of said movie, both twins are asleep. Peter helps Allison get Stuart to bed before picking Stiles up and cradling him close. Without really thinking about it, Peter scent marks both Stuart and Allison before leaving.

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