At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #18

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On July 30th, Stiles picks Isaac and Jackson up from the airport. They scent him repeatedly and tease him about the purpose of their visit. Stiles takes it all with pleasure, having missed them so much.

They grab lunch at a higher end restaurant and Peter joins them halfway through. The introductions—or rather the reintroductions—are pleasant and when the two friends learn that Peter is now an alpha they ask to be considered as future pack mates and betas.

Peter outwardly is calm and collected but through their bond Stiles senses the varied emotions from his mate. He's anxious, hopeful, apprehensive but most of all pleased and honored at their request.

After lunch they all go to a nearby Dave and Buster's for a few hours of games and the level of their competitiveness is unparalleled. Stiles takes high scores in six of the ten games. Isaac and Jackson each take two high scores of the remaining four games.

By the time dinner rolls around, they're exhausted and get checked into a hotel for the night. It's times like this when Stiles wishes he had a bigger place. He may or may not get that wish granted soon.

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Now that Jackson and Isaac are settled in their room with plans made for the next day about where to be, what to wear and when to be there, Peter coaxes Stiles into the jeep but the wolf drives.

Expecting to head back to the apartment, Stiles laces his fingers with Peter's and closes his eyes, figuring on dozing until they get back.

Yet, when the car stops an indecipherable amount of time later, Stiles blinks his eyes open to see an unfamiliar scene. "Uh. Peter?" he says quietly.

Said man squeezes Stiles's hand and it's then the amber eyed man notices that Peter is now on his side, holding the door open. "Come with me, sweetheart."

"Where are we going?" the spark inquires even as he unbuckles and gets out of the car.

Peter kisses his cheek, the back of his hand and his temple before guiding him forward. "You'll see. Trust me?"

"Always," Stiles replies easily as if it's the truest thing he's ever said.

The two mates walk up a winding path taking in the green leaves, grass, colorful flora and smelling the rain, earth and fresh air. They hear little rustles as small fauna race through the foliage and Stiles chuckles when a small bird lands on his head before flying off again.

They only stop once, Stiles kneeling down to brush his fingers against the matted fur of a fox's side. The crimson coarseness vanishes as he heals the wound as if it never happened to begin with. It makes Stiles smile and Peter's chest puffs out in pride. Neither of them comments on the now clingy fox, riding on Stiles's shoulder but they both acknowledge the fact that she'll probably become part of their little family.

It's not much longer after that, about an hour into their walk, that they come to the end of the path and Stiles freezes at the sight. It's a house but it's not just any house. Oh no it is the house Stiles keeps in his photo album on his phone titled: Future Dreams.

"Stiles?" Peter interrupts the spark's thoughts with a quiet call of his name.

When Stiles hums in acknowledgment, unable to look away from the house, the wolf chuckles softly. Then amber eyes blink as something blocks his view. When he focuses his eyes on the blockage, he nearly faints. There in his mate's hand is a golden key.

"I—Wha—Is thi—Whe—Who—How did—Fucking hell, Peter Hale!" he cries and launches himself at his mate, his lips demanding and biting as they kiss. "Is this real?" he asks as they pull away only slightly, their lips still brushing together. "Is this happening?"

Peter smiles and nips the tip of his mate's nose. "Yes, sweet boy. This is real. It's really happening. I thought that seeing as how you've been dreaming about your own home, and we'll soon be tied together in every way possible, that having a house instead of an apartment, especially one so in tune with nature would be perfect."

Stiles hates that he's crying but he lets the emotions free as he gazes at the love of his life. He has no words to convey his every thought and feeling. So, he says nothing as he pecks his mate's lips again before lacing their fingers together. "Show me?"

"As you wish darling."

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They don't spend the night there but after a grand tour, they head back to the car and the fox—Stiles names her Liliowy which means Lilac in Polish—comes with them. He sends a picture of the house and Lili to his aunt who congratulates him on the obtaining of his familiar.

Neither mate has any trouble falling asleep when they get home, both eager for what will be happening tomorrow afternoon.

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On July 31st at noon, Peter and Stiles—Liliowy too—are joined by Isaac and Jackson downtown. All four of them are dressed up and grinning.

"Are you ready?" Jackson asks.

Stiles grins and without hesitation replies with, "Absolutely."

Isaac claps the two mates on the shoulder one after the other. "Then let's go."

Peter looks at his mate with immeasurable affection, devotion, adoration and love. "Any reservations?"

Stiles shakes his head. "None. What about you? This was your idea after all."

"Mm. True but you said yes."

"I did," Stiles says with a dopey grin.

"Cold feet?" the wolf asks, stepping closer.

"No cold feet either." Stiles closes the remaining distance between them and would have kissed his mate if it weren't for—

"Come on!" Isaac and Jackson simultaneously call out with blinding grins and teasing tones.

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