At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #15

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⚠️Warning: ⚠️

This chapter contains a scene of sexual assault, light choking, attempted forced mating and attempted rape/non-con between Stiles and an OMC. Please take care!!

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May arrives and the twins pass their tests with flying colors. That night is a night of pizza, pop, candy and board games. Allison and Stiles dominate at Cards Against Humanity while Peter and Stuart question the saneness of their SOs.

The day after that, Stiles officially changes his last name to Gajos with Peter, Stuart, Allison, Spencer and Aunt Klarysa as witnesses. After that Stiles sets up a schedule with his aunt and cousin to start training his spark.

August starts their second year of the academy bringing with it more advanced learning. Peter and Allison often step in with food, water and demand the guys take breaks. It's probably the main reason the twins didn't starve, dehydrate or sport major cases of insomnia therefore, passing their tests again the following May.

It's the same for the next year as well and when they turn twenty four at the end of their third and final year at the academy it's off to the club once more.

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They order a round of drinks for each of them, though Peter doesn't do shots, instead sticking with his high priced scotch that Stiles teases him about. The night is young, and their spirits are high.

It's only when Allison and Stuart are on the dance floor and Peter is getting their drinks that things take a darker turn.

"Excuse me," Stiles says, trying to step past the man in the hallway only to cry out when he's slammed back into the bathroom. The people in the bathroom startle and rush out, leaving the spark alone with the stranger. "What are you doing?" the amber eyed man demands. "Let me go!"

The man smirks and flashes his eyes, the action making Stiles freeze as his heartbeat skyrockets. "Ah. Little rabbit knows a wolf when it sees one huh? Good little rabbit. I have you now my pretty. You see I couldn't help but notice that this lovely pale column is markless." He trails a finger down the spark's neck and then wraps a hand around Stiles's throat. "I couldn't resist you see. So, be a good little rabbit."

"Wha—No! No! Don't—Stop–Ahhhh!!" Stiles cries out his panic keeping him from focusing on his magic. He's wishing he'd done more training, but things had been so good, and he was a natural. If he could just—He cries out when the man shreds his jeans, pressing a dry finger into him. "STOP!!" Stiles cries out, tears leaking from his eyes as his body locks up in fear. "S-Stop. P-Please?"

The wolf snorts and licks up the tears on Stiles's cheek before nipping at his neck. "Shh. Be still, little rabbit. I'll make it good for you." He rubs a small circle on the spark's neck. "I think I'll bite right here."

Stiles shudders, tearing his gaze away and focuses on his magic. He's not helpless. He's not weak. He's not. The temperature in the bathroom drops to near freezing. The window and mirrors fog over. It's silent for a moment save for Stiles's breathing and the wolf's pants before the pressure explodes, shattering the windows, mirrors, sinks and toilets.

It catches the wolf's attention, making the man turn his head in that direction.

Stiles smirks darkly as the shards of glass rise into the air and by his order, rush the wolf, turning him into a pincushion.

With seemingly lifeless eyes, the wolf collapses to the ground and Stiles chokes back a sob as he starts trembling uncontrollably, the earlier adrenaline fading fast. "P-Peter," he whimpers as he steps around the dead wolf and reaches for the door handle. Right as he grabs the door handle, his mate rushes in.

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