At Our Ex-Spence: Chapter #11

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The Avengers movie is phenomenal, and the twins have the time of their lives. They gorge on popcorn, soda, slushies and tons of Reese's candies from cups to pieces. When Cap picks up Thor's hammer the twins jump up and cheer.

They do so again when Sam's voice comes through Cap's com, 'On your left.'

When Cap says 'Avengers! Assemble!'

And when Iron Man says his line before the snap 'And I. Am. Iron Man.' they tear up. Neither of them says a word but offers the other a napkin when the tears escape down their cheeks at Peter's crying and Iron Man's death.

After the movie they get into Stiles's car and just sit for a moment. "Wow."

Stuart nods. "Right? I mean wow."

They exchange smiles and turn on the radio to listen to ACDC as they drive to Stuart's apartment. When they get there, Stiles grabs Stuart's hand and squeezes it. "I'm glad we did this. I'm glad we met and yeah."

Stuart squeezes back. "Me too bro. Me too."

A huge, tight hug is shared between them and as Stuart heads inside and Stiles heads home, neither of them can wait to see what the future holds.

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Over the course of their time at the FBI, training to become agents, Stiles and Stuart get to know each other really well. Their first double date with Allison and Peter takes place at the retro diner. Peter and Allison get along swimmingly and take great pleasure in teasing the twins.

"I would absolutely fall on my face before taking a single step," Stiles grumbles. "I'm freaking Bambi."

Allison snorts and clears her throat, gesturing to the waitress a few tables over. "I bet it's not that hard. Maybe you just need some lessons?"

Stiles huffs, crossing his arms. "No. I'm uncoordinated enough without adding wheels and a tray of food."

Peter subtly nips Stiles's neck. "I do love the picture of you in one of those short skirts though."

Stuart snickers as Stiles turns even redder. "You guys are the worstest."

"Worstest?" Stuart says. "Maybe you did come straight here from first grade."

"Shut up!" Stiles snaps and pouts until Peter kisses the pout off his face.

Allison tilts her head and exchanges a glance with the other two men before meeting Stiles's gaze. "If you'd like I can show you a few archery stances. They help with like strengthening and stuff." Her voice softens and her cheeks twinge pink. "It's up to you. I mean you have the FBI training, so you probably don't need my hel—"

"I'd love to," Stiles cuts in. "Just let me know when and where.

Stuart grins at his twin and his girlfriend, pleased that they're getting along so well.

The waitress—Lily according to her nametag—skates over and refills their drinks. Stiles watches her go and then turns to Peter. "I want one of those dresses."

"Then you shall have it sweetheart."

Amber eyes narrow and then Stiles smiles. "You spoil me so much."

Peter huffs a laugh as he slips his arm around Stiles's shoulders. "I love you and I have the means to spoil you. So why should I resist the urge to do so?"

Allison and Stuart smile and exchange a look before digging back into their food. The rest of the dinner is filled with the same teasing, flirting and they have an all around amazing time.

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Stuart and Stiles want Allison and Peter to get even more acquainted. So, the following weekend they all go to a paintball arena and the twins team up against their SOs.

"Okay!" Stiles hollers. "It's me and Stu against you two. Oh! Hey I rhymed!" He laughs lightheartedly and then fixes his mate with a grin. "Think you can beat double trouble?"

Peter cocks his paintball gun and offers his mate and smirk. "Oh, I know I can but not just because I'm me." He gestures to Allison who has just gotten her hair into a high ponytail. "I've got her."

"Stu and I will win. Just you wait and see."

"Want to make a bet?"

Stiles glances at his twin who nods and then when Allison does too, he looks back at Peter. "Stakes?"

Peter grins. "Losers buy ice cream for the winners. Winners get a strip tease and a lap dance from the losers."

The twins exchange a look and then nod. Stuart offers his hand. "Deal."

The wolf takes it with a firm grip and shakes it once. "Deal."

By the end of the match, Stiles and Stuart are covered in a multitude of colors of paint and wearing unhappy smiles. Peter and Allison high five, their bodies devoid of any paint whatsoever because obviously they rock and totally beat the twins.

When the twins offer identical pouts, Peter and Allison smirk and just say: "You wanted us to get along. Look what a great team we made. We beat you."

That night after the couples part with their cool treats eaten, the winners—Allison and Peter—get strip teases and lap dances from the losers—Stuart and Stiles—which is technically a win for all of them.

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